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Consumer Preferences for a Cash Option Versus Traditional Services: Telephone Survey Results for New Jersey Elders and Adults

The University of Maryland conducted telephone surveys and focus groups to determine consumers’ preferences for a cash option or traditional agency delivered services in New Jersey. This article reports the findings including, demographics, interest in a cash option, and attractive program features.

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Consumer Enrollment and Experiences in the Cash & Counseling Program

This report details the enrollment issues faced during implementation of the program. In addition, the report looks at consumer experiences including issues resulting from acting as an employer and effects on quality of life. The abstract (free) and full report (subscription required) are available.

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Consumer Direction in Managed Long-Term Care: An Exploratory Survey of Practices and Perceptions

This article presents results of a survey of the attitudes and practices of managed care organizations concerning consumer direction. The study focused on understanding several alternative measures of consumer direction and the factors that are associated with the MCOs concerning those measures.

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Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) for Older Adults in Minnesota: Final Report

A modest evaluation of the experience in Minnesota was included as part of their Cash & Counseling grant and this is the final report describing that qualitative evaluation.This report explores consumer and family member response to CDCS, presenting the results from key informant interviews held in 2007.

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Consumer and Counselor Experiences in the Arkansas IndependentChoices Program

This report synthesizes information from in-person interviews with program staff, a mail survey of program counselors, and telephone interviews with consumers who had the opportunity to receive the program allowance. It also discusses the program's goals and features, how consumers managed their responsibilities under it and made use of its flexibility, and levels of consumer satisfaction with the program.

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The Cash & Counseling Qualitative Study: Stories From The Consumer-Directed Care Program In Florida

The following report presents twenty-four case stories about the experience of adults and children with disabilities who receive the cash option in the Consumer Directed Care Program in the state of Florida. The report is available as both a downloadable PDF or as a interactive on-line guide which helps users navigate through the report and easily find information.

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The Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation: Focus Groups Inform Design of a Consumer-Directed Cash Option

This article highlights the specific importance of consumer participation in the pre- and post-survey focus groups, and how that participation enhanced program planners' understanding of survey results, informed the design of the CCDE cash option program, and identified messages to include in social marketing materials for cash option consumers.

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Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation Report on New Jersey Paid Worker Focus Groups

This report, focused on New Jersey’s Personal Preference program, provides information on workers’ views about issues such as job satisfaction, roles and responsibilities, and ideas for recruiting and retaining new personal care workers. The report also describes similarities and differences between paid family caregivers and non-family caregivers.

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Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation Report on Florida Paid Worker Focus Groups

This study provides rich data about the experiences of paid workers who care for children under the age of 18 with developmental disabilities in Florida's CCDE program, Consumer Directed Care (CDC). Topics include workers' views about issues such as job satisfaction, roles and responsibilities, and ideas for recruiting and retaining new personal care workers.

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An Exploratory Study of Personal Assistance Service Choice and Decision-Making Among Persons with Disabilities and Surrogate Representatives

This report’s results suggest that surrogates can adequately represent consumer's views about satisfaction with personal assistance, and therefore provide encouragement to continue investigation of the utility of surrogate representatives. The study results also replicate previous findings that persons with cognitive impairments and persons with severe disabilities are able to express their preferences for everyday matters.

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