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Indicators of Cultural Competence in Health Care Delivery Organizations: An Organizational Cultural Competence Assessment Profile

The question “How do we know cultural competence when we see it?” prompted HRSA to sponsor a project to develop indicators of cultural competence in health care delivery organizations. The tool is intended to 1)develop an analytic framework for assessing cultural competence in health care delivery organizations; 2)identify specific indicators that can be used in connection with this framework; and 3) assess utility, feasibility and practical application of the framework and its indicators.

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Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America

Final report of the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (issued July 22, 2003). The Commission is part of the \"President's New Freedom Initiative\" to eliminate inequalities for Americans with disabilities. The report outlines goals for mental health and recommendations for achieving them.

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Current Living Situation and Service Needs of Former Nursing Home Residents: An Evaluation of New Jerseys Nursing Home Transition Program

As part of its evaluation of the New Jersey Senior Initiatives Community Choice Counseling Program, the Center for State Health Policy at Rutgers conducted an evaluation of former nursing home residents who were discharged through the Community Choice Counseling Program. This report addresses clients' current living situation, use of informal and formal assistance, service deficiencies, satisfaction, and quality of life.

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Increasing the Efficiency of Safety Net Services in New Hampshire by Establishing Community Care Centers in Each Municipality

This paper proposes a major structural change to how health and human services are provided in New Hampshire that would correct the inherent problems caused by trying to deliver hundreds of safety net services to residents in 234 cities and towns through a complicated and fragmented system of regional centers.

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Littleton A Model Community

The Town of Littleton, NH has received a $270,000, three-year grant through the Real Choice Systems Change to develop and maintain an infrastructure for the removal of barriers preventing persons who are aging and others with disabilities from fully participating in community life. This document includes a description of the grant and a power point presentation that outlines details and challenges in the development of this Model Community.

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Community Building in Logan Square: How a Community Grew Stronger with the Contributions of People with Disabilities

Report describes how one Chicago neighborhood identified isolated and uninvolved local residents and introduced them to community groups based on their talents and gifts. The residents shared their talents, became active, & added new strength to the community\\'s life. The particular activity described involves people who are isolated and nonparticipating because of the label \\\"developmentally disabled.\\\" However, the methods described apply to people isolated because of other conditions as well.

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Building the Bridge from Client to Citizen: A Community Toolbox for Welfare Reform

A paper from the Asset-Based Community Development Institute demonstrates how five \"tools\" successfully used for community-building activities may be adapted to help former welfare recipients move toward economic independence and more fulfilling lives. Three of the tools are inventories and two involve support groups.

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A Twenty-First Century Map for Healthy Communities and Families

Community associations ranging from Bible study groups to block clubs may hold the key to social reform and revival in the 21st century, according to IPR's director of community studies, John McKnight . In this new report, McKnight unveils a revised \"social map\" that pushes large bureaucratic service systems to the fringes of the community and replaces them with newly empowered associations as the primary support for families.

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