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States in Action: Building Nursing Home Transition into a Balanced Long Term Care System: The Washington Model

This summary was prepared by Robert Mollica based on a site visit to the state of Washington in April 2003 organized by the Rutgers Center for State Health Policy/National Academy for State Health Policy Technical Assistance Exchange Collaborative. Thirteen representatives from Nursing Home Transition Grantees from Alaska, California, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey participated in the site visit.

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District of Columbia - Long-Term Care Prior Authorization/Case Management Implementation Project

The District of Columbia, Department of Health, Medical Assistance Administration is undergoing an effort to improve its ability to perform case and care management for the aging and disabled populations within the District. As part of this process, MAA is seeking to implement an information system that can support effective care management assessment and planning.

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Fiscal Impact Statement: Development of a Disability and Aging Resource Center on Long-Term Care.

The District of Columbia is seeking to expand the availability of home and community-based services (HCBS) for the aged and adults with physical disabilities.The Disability and Aging Resource Center will represent a cost to the District in the immediate short-term, however the Center is expected to have cumulative savings by FY 2005. This file is a complete fiscal impact statement for this project.

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Rebalancing Long-Term Care in New Jersey: From Institutional toward Home and Community Care

This report chronicles New Jersey's experience in order to assist policymakers in other states who need to meet their older adults' preferences for long-term care and, at the same time, to develop sustainable services and systems. Included is information on reforms to the long-term care system, stakeholder involvement, what successes arose, and what challenges remain. The report also makes recommendations for current New Jersey officials,policymakers, and their counterparts in other states.

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The Future Supply of Long Term Care Workers in relation to The Aging Baby Boom Generation

This report is a product of collaboration between HHS and DOL in response to the requests from the U.S. Congress. Staff at these Departments worked collaboratively to share information and data pertaining to direct care workers in long-term care settings and to develop a joint set of recommendations for the future. This report includes information on informal caregivers, direct care workers, and paraprofessional direct services workers.

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State Long Term Care: Recent Developments and Policy Directions: 2003 Update

In this report, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) traces the budget issues that states confronted in 2002 and examines how they addressed those issues. The report also describes long-term care legislation enacted in 2002 and long-term care planning work that is under way in many states.

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