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Long-Term Care Planning in Maryland: Planning for 2010, 2020, and 2030

The Maryland General Assembly passed the Long-Term Care Planning Act of 2006, which requires the Maryland Health Care Commission to conduct a study of Maryland’s long-term care delivery system. The purpose of the study is to determine the types of services and programs that individuals aged 65 and older and individuals with disabilities will need in 2010, 2020, and 2030, as well to identify how the State should begin planning for future needs. This report presents the results of the study.

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Options to Increase Access to Long-Term Care: Maryland House Bill 594 Final Report

This report discusses the options for expanding home and community based services in the state of Maryland as required by Bill 594. Should Maryland elect to expand access to Medicaid home- and community-based services(HCBS), it has several possible approaches. This report discusses these options for Maryland in detail; ideas other states designing similar programs might find useful.

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Coordinating Care for Dual Eligibles: Options for Linking State Medicaid Programs with Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans

This article outlines three potential models which may be adopted by states looking to develop programs designed to serve those individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid benefits. The article also discusses possible contractual issues important to state Medicaid agencies as well as environmental factors which may influence the choice of models and potential program's prospects for success.

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Budget Options Volume I: Health Care

The Congressional Budget Office examines the likely effects on federal spending of 115 health care reform options. Ch. 8 covers proposals on financing Medicaid and SCHIP and Ch. 10 covers long-term care options. HCBS-related options include: allowing all states to offer HCBS via Medicaid state plan amendments (#99); making HCBS a mandatory benefit (#100); and adjusting federal match rates to favor HCBS over nursing homes (#101). Also included is a presentation on the findings of the report.

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The Rehabilitation Act: Outcomes for Transition-Age Youth

The purpose of this study is to synthesize data on the impact that the Rehabilitation Act has had on the employment and post secondary education outcomes of eligible youth. It examines how well existing vocational rehabilitation (VR) structures deliver effective transition services. It also looks at the effectiveness of collaboration between VR, education, and other service systems. Finally, 11 recommendations for the U.S. Congress and various relevant federal and state agencies are given.

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A Framework for State-Level Analysis of Duals: Interleaving Medicare and Medicaid Data

The first in a series of reports, this study is a product of a larger effort by the state of Maryland and The Hilltop Institute to address questions related to the coordination of care for Medicaid recipients who are dually eligible for Medicare benefits. The report focuses on issues related to setting Medicaid payment rates. Although based on Maryland data alone, results from this study will be broadly relevant to other states as well.

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Training Caregivers for Older Adults in the Home: A Search for Curricula

What curricula are used to train paid and unpaid individuals caring for older adults in the home? The authors conducted a 4-month search to identify and categorize existing curricula nationwide. It was used as a discussion primer for a March 2007 conference that sought to discuss specialized vs. comprehensive training models, standards, and possible credentialing for caregivers and training programs. Contact information for the curricula discussed is provided.

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Medicaid Coverage of Peer Support for People with Mental Illness: Available Research and State Examples

This report summarizes available research to date regarding the effectiveness of peer support and presents State examples of peer support within three different Medicaid authorities (State Plan, 1915(b), and 1915(c)). State Medicaid Agencies and their partner mental health agencies can find guidance here for efforts to incorporate peer support into Medicaid programs.

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Research Design Report for the Evaluation of the Money Follows the Person (MFP) Grant Program

Methods for evaluating MFP are mapped out in detail. The report explains the design of the analyses of implementation, impact, and outcomes. It also describes research questions to be answered and methods for tracking the 31 programs. Finally, the synthesis of information and format of the presentation of findings is discussed.

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