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State-by-State 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Data

An interactive map displays how many 1915(c) waivers each state has. Clicking on a state’s name displays number of participant and expenditures by waiver type as compared to nationwide numbers. Participant and expenditure data are also available for personal care, home health, and individualized budget services. Clicking “Compare” in any data area displays a table illustrating selected data for all states. Information is taken from CMS form 372 and is downloadable.

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Introduction to Olmstead Lawsuits and Olmstead Plans

Tables listing the formal strategies adopted by each state to achieve compliance with the Olmstead decision and community integration lawsuits related to the case are maintained here. In 1999, the Supreme Court found that people have the right to receive care in the most integrated, least restrictive setting appropriate. This report gives more details on that decision and summarizes the impact it has had on community integration in general.

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2007 Disability Status Report: United States

This summary of demographic and economic statistics from 2007 on the non-institutionalized population with disabilities is meant for policy makers, advocates, reporters, and the public. Data include information on the population size and disability prevalence for various demographic subpopulations, as well as statistics related to employment, earnings, and household income. Comparisons are made to people without disabilities and across disability types.

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The MetLife Market Survey of Adult Day Services & Home Care Costs

Since 2002, MetLife Mature Market Institute has gathered data on the costs of long-term care in institutional and community-based settings. This 2008 report looks at home care and adult day services. Costs are broken down by state, metropolitan statistical area (MSA), and “rest of state,” or areas not in a MSA. Home care costs are measured in hourly private pay rates, and adult day costs are measured in daily private pay rates.

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Rising Demand for Long-Term Services and Supports for Elderly People

This report provides a summary of how long-term services and supports (LTSS) are financed and describes factors that contribute to uncertainty of the future costs for LTSS, including changes in how LTSS will be delivered. Three projections of future LTSS spending for senior populations under different scenarios are offered. These scenarios differ based on projecting the number of people with varying functional limitations and the resulting need for varying degrees of LTSS.

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HCBS Quality Requirements Grid: A Technical Assistance Tool

In an effort to address integration across CMS Home and Community-based Services Programs, CMS worked with its National Quality Contractor to develop an this matrix. The Grid highlights specific quality requirements across HCBS program authorities that include program standards, measures, accountability, and sources of financing for quality activities. The tool is expected to be a helpful resource for planning purposes and for providing technical assistance to states and researchers.

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CMS Letter: HCBS Quality Communication #14

This letter is another in a series of CMS communications that support state efforts to improve the quality of services and supports provided through the Medicaid Home and Community-based Services waiver program. This communication announces three new items designed to assist states in enhancing oversight and operations: GAO Mortality Study in Developmental Disabilities, HCBS Quality Requirements Grid: A Technical Assistance Tool and the National HCBS Quality Enterprise award to Thomson Reuters.

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Interaction of Medicaid Buy-In and other Federal Efforts to Improve Access to Health Coverage for Adults with Disabilities

The Medicaid Buy-In (MBI), Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs all provide workers with disabilities options to maintain health coverage if they earn too much for Medicaid or Medicare benefits. The first issue brief explains how these programs compare and interact in terms of eligibility, coverage, populations, and enrollment. The second examines how MBI participants that collect SSDI utilize SSDI work incentives.

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Customized Employment Project Materials – Washington

The Grays Harbor Job Tailoring Cooperative provides customized employment support to jobseekers with disabilities. Refer to the flowchart for a visualization of the basic project structure. The flyer was used to recruit people to take part in a participant-driven project wherein participants create and coordinate a trusted support team to assist in finding and maintaining employment.

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