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Effect of Benefits Counseling Services on Employment Outcomes for People with Psychiatric Disabilities

For people with psychiatric disabilities that receive SSDI and/or SSI in Vermont, benefits counseling was found to improve earnings by $1,256 annually. The authors found that this form of support helps overcome significant barriers to employment, such as a fear of a loss of benefits resulting from increased earnings. This article was published in the Psychiatric Services Journal.

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Vermont’s Medicaid Buy-In Program: Preliminary Cost-Benefit Analysis

Use this presentation to learn how VT has measured the effectiveness of the Working People with Disabilities program. The primary cost measured was money spent on Medicaid claims and benefits counseling. This was compared with the earnings increases experienced by individuals in the program. The analysis found that every $1 spent on new Medicaid claims and benefits counseling, participant earnings increased by $1.23.

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Economic Impact of the Medicaid Buy-In Program for the Working Disabled

This report looks at the overall effect South Carolina’s Medicaid for the Working Disabled program has on the net state revenue. It also examines predicted impacts of changing program characteristics and eligibility requirements. The state data are compared to other states with Buy-In programs.

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Earnings of Medicaid Buy-In Participants – Issue Briefs

Mathematica researchers examine the effects that the Medicaid Buy-In program has had on participants’ earnings. The first brief looks at whether earnings increase after enrollment. The second profiles the workers that earn the highest wages. The last brief profiles all Buy-In participants and compares earnings data by state. Each brief analyzes the traits of the workers and different state programs to identify successful strategies.

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Persons Served in Community Mental Health Programs and Employment – DataNote 17

How many people served by home and community-based mental health services in your state are employed? This DataNote explores this question and illustrates a wide variance in outcomes between states, suggesting the need for further research to identify and implement best practices.

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The Case for Inclusion 2008: An Analysis of Medicaid for Americans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

States are ranked in this report based on the outcomes of Medicaid services provided to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The key outcomes measured are the promotion of independence and meaningful employment, tracking quality and safety, keeping families together, and reaching those in need. Each state’s progress is measured by comparing data from the previous year. This report is issued annually with past editions available on the included website.

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Residential Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends through 2007

This comprehensive report provides data and macro level analyses on public and private residential services. The Executive Summary and Section 3 compare Medicaid utilization and expenditures for home and community-based services with services provided in institutional settings. Data are also presented in state-by-state profiles. Past editions of this annual report dating from 2000 are available at the website provided.

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State Medicaid Policy Choices Under the Deficit Reduction Act Provisions Affecting Children and Adults with Mental Disorders

This report and the accompanying tables summarize ways in which states have implemented optional Medicaid programs authorized by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA). Each section of the report explains a program states have the option of implementing, which states did so, and how these changes affect people with mental disorders. The tables illustrate key characteristics of the programs in each participating state.

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Modeling the Impact of Declining Occupancy on Nursing Home Reimbursement

This paper models the effect of occupancy rates on nursing home reimbursement. It surveys nursing home methodologies generally and specifically models the rate setting systems of California, Indiana and Pennsylvania. The modeling indicates that much of “the fixed costs” would not get calculated back into the rates. The costs that do would be allocated across all resident days used in rate setting regardless of payer source, including Medicare and private pay, limiting the Medicaid impact.

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