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Critical Incident Reports: Massachusetts

As part of the Massachusetts Independence Plus grant, the workgroup recognized there was a certain amount of risk associated with individualized budgeting. They devised a “Incident Reporting” System that would document any incidents (such as fall, funding problems, injuries) that would compromise the health of an individual with disabilities being served under the program. The forms were created to assist a future Massachusetts IP waiver and have not yet been adopted

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Systems Change Grants Presentations: Massachusetts 2001 Real Choice & 2003 Independence Plus

The State of Massachusetts received Real Choice and Independence Plus grants. These presentations describe the projects, their structure, and an overview of grant activities. The goal of the Real Choice grant was to improve the quality and accessibility of home and community-based services available to individuals with disabilities. The goal of the Independence Plus grant was to recreate budgeting so that consumers were able to direct their budget and the services they receive.

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Measuring Consumer Outcomes and Satisfaction in California: Identifying a Survey to Provide a Foundation for Quality Management

As part of California’s QA/QI grant, this report discusses grant activity related to the measurement of consumer outcomes. Included in the report are a comparative review of consumer satisfaction survey instruments considered for use and an analysis of California’s information system with respect to the requirements of participation in National Core Indicators.

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Aging and Disability Policy Summit: High Priority Worksheet

This document is from the Aging and Disability Policy Summit. It notes the priority areas regarding aging and disability policy. They are: housing, transportation, health care, employment, education, and community participation. This worksheet provides a valuable framework for defining issues, activities and goals needed to enact change.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grants for Community Living: Idaho

This presentation gives a brief overview of Idaho’s Real Choice grant and Money Follows the Person grant. The goals of the project were to: reduce the stigmatization of people with disabilities, complete and economic analysis of the current Medicaid system, community development, and to complete and effectiveness study. Review their key activities, methodology, and evaluation.

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Bridging Resources to Peer Mentor Support

The Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital has shared a synopsis and tools they have developed as part of their peer mentoring program for people with recently acquired spinal cord injuries. Mentors also have spinal cord injuries and have similar backgrounds. This peer mentor model could be adapted to a variety of situations. Other more detailed tools (such as weekly and monthly reports) are also available by contacting the staff.

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Ohio\'s Quality Framework

What areas of quality are important to individuals with disabilities, families and stakeholders in Ohio? The framework illustrates the areas of quality to be addressed by a functioning quality information management system. Organized by Domains, each section is accompanied by an Outcome. Next, the Core Indicators express how the system will know if the Outcome is present. Performance Measures establish the criteria for measurement and calculation. Review this outline of performance criteria.

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Medicaid HCBS Waiver Expenditures FY2000 through FY2005

This memorandum and tables present data on Medicaid 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver expenditures from Federal Fiscal Years 2000 through 2005. Each individual HCBS waiver is classified by population served in order to show the distribution of HCBS waiver expenditures across long term care populations.

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Medicaid Long Term Care Expenditures FY 2005

This memorandum presents data on Medicaid long-term care expenditures in Federal Fiscal Year 2005 (Sept 2004-Sept 2005). The accompanying tables present data on Medicaid Expenditures for Long-Term Care services from 1993-2005. Data included for Nursing Homes, ICF-MR, Personal Care, HCBS Waivers, Home Health, Home Care, Inpatient Hospital Care, Inpatient DSH, Inpatient Mental Health, Mental Health DSH, Medicaid Managed-Care, Prescribed Drugs, Long-term Care, Targeted Case Management and PACE.

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