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HCBS State Plan Option and HCBS 1915 (c) waivers comparative matrix

On Monday May 8, 2006, CMS hosted a New Freedom Initiative Open Door Forum that focused on Section 6086 of the Deficit Reduction Act. During the call CMS reviewed the differences between how home and community based services can be provided through the State plan and the more traditional 1915c waivers. This chart summarizes CMS’s overview of the DRA provisions.

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SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery) Project

The Pre-SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery) Data Form will be used by Oregon to capture, evaluate and report outcomes for the SOAR Technical Assistance project. The purpose is to monitor improvement, as a result of SOAR training, in accessing SSI and SSDI benefits for eligible people disabled by mental illness.

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The New Hampshire Home Care Connections Project: Results of the Needs Survey at Baseline Summer 2005

This baseline survey has the reviews of professionals working with those at risk of losing their subsidized housing and entering a nursing facility due to emotional, cognitive, or behavioral issues. The survey was also used to better understand and identify risk factors, and import services, associated with nursing home placement, its avoidance, and training needs.

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Aging and Disability Resource Center Pilot Sites List

The new list of all ADRC pilot sites has been developed as a consumer contact information sheet. The matrix includes the pilot name and geographic area served in addition to the appropriate phone contact and website (if applicable) for use by consumers seeking the assistance of ADRC programs and others interested in the initiative.

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Medicaid Budgets, Spending and Policy Initiatives in State Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006

The 50-state annual survey of budget conditions and Medicaid cost containment actions in FY2005-06 shows that all states implemented and planned more Medicaid cost-containment actions, but are also implementing expansions as the gap between Medicaid spending growth and state tax revenue narrowed.

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Priced Out 2004: The Housing Crisis for People with Disabilities

This newly released biennial study verifies that low-income people with disabilities are experiencing a national housing affordability crisis. The Priced Out in 2004 study compares the monthly SSI income of more than 4 million Americans with disabilities to the fair market rental rates for efficiencies and modest one-bedroom apartments in every housing market in the country. Review more facts, figures and examples about housing and the national rent increases which greatly exceed SSI Benefits.

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National Survey of State Initiatives on the Long-Term Care Direct-Care Workforce: Survey Results 2005

This is the fifth national survey of the direct-care workforce published by the National Clearinghouse on the Direct Care Workforce. It examines public policy actions taken by states to strengthen the direct-care workforce, and updates information collected in prior surveys. Responses were received from 38 states, representing a 76 percent return rate. The report contains data tables with survey results and details national initiatives pertaining to the direct care workforce.

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Consumer Direction and Family Caregiving: Results from a National Survey

Although consumer direction is a growing trend in publicly supported HCBS programs across the states, we know relatively little about how this approach is implemented in the states. This national study aims to describe the role of consumer direction in publicly funded family caregiver support services and HCBS programs with a family caregiving component. This report addresses three questions with the intent of informing policy discussions.

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Ohio\'s Quality Framework

The Ohio Department of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (ODMR/DD), a 2003 Real Choice Systems Change QA/QI in HCBS grantee, has begun to develop with initial stakeholder input, a Quality Framework to guide what data is collected. Ohio's QA/QI in HCBS grant application was written specifically to fund the design, development and implementation of all aspects of a quality information management system. Review the chart listing their domain, outcomes & core indicators.

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