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Employment for ME Summit - Maine

On November 15, 2010, the CHOICES CEO Project sponsored an “Employment for ME Summit” to introduce Maine Department of Health and Human Services’ new employment policy. A resource page with extensive information about the summit, and links to technical resource materials disseminated at the conference, was put on a web page for those who couldn’t attend, and for ongoing reference for those who did attend. In addition, 14 important segments were put on YouTube.

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Engaging with Employers - A Breakfast Series in Maine

How is Maine working to increase opportunities for communication and networking regarding employment for those with disabilities? One way is by posting sponsored events online. The videos attached feature short clips from a breakfast series hosted by the CHOICES CEO Project. The sponsored networking breakfasts are for businesses and organizations that provide employment services to people with disabilities.

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The New Health Care Law and the CLASS Program- Video

A vast majority of Americans age 50 and over would prefer to live independently in their own homes and communities as long as they can, rather than relinquish control over their lives in a nursing facility. In this brief video, AARP provides an overview of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) program, i.e., how it works, what it covers and how it can be beneficial.

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Taking Care With Joan Lunden – Online Video Series

View a four-part series that comprehensively examines the physical, mental, emotional, and lifestyle adjustments associated with caregiving. The show underscores the urgent need for understanding the stressful relationships that can evolve and offers guidance on how to manage expectations, providing insight into what support is already in place.

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Getting Connected: Can the ACA Improve Access to Health Care in Rural Communities? – Briefing

What specific provisions in the new law pertain to rural health care? This briefing looked at current health care policy initiatives pertaining to rural issues, with a special focus on information technology, and the opportunities and challenges that the reform implementation presents. Review the briefing's archived webcast, podcast, presentations, transcript and source materials.

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More Than Meets the Eye: Long-Term Care Provisions in the New Reform Law

To provide a look at the various provisions of the new health reform law on LTC, a distinguished panel of experts addressed questions such as: What are the provisions of the law pertaining to LTC? How will consumers, providers and states be affected? What are the major components of the CLASS Act, and what are some of the challenges for states and the federal government in implementation? Access the presentations, transcript, event summary, podcast and more.

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Covering Health Reform Between Now and 2014 - Toolkit

Explore this toolkit, which identifies some of the best reform timelines, resources to help explain temporary high-risk pools, Medicaid and Medicare changes, reform’s impact on private coverage, provisions for small businesses, and the important state role in implementing reform. Included are an extensive listing of experts, contact information, and websites. The toolkit was based on a briefing for journalists, and a link to a webcast of this briefing is included.

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New York Makes Work Pay Webinars – New York

How are states incorporating new media into their MIG grant training programs? Webinars allow for a cinematic, presentation like, learning experience that can be accessed conveniently online. The state of New York uses webinars to explain their programs to consumers and service providers, and made archives of these presentations available online. A link to the archives page of the New York Makes Work Pay site is provided below. These webinars could serve as a template for other MIG states.

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Starting Financial Management Services in CLP and VD-HCBS: Strategic Considerations – TA Call Resources

Listen to a recording of a webinar presenting strategies for program administrators to consider as they determine how to provide FMS in their Community Living and Veteran Directed programs. Topics include how to decide on a model of FMS, whether to contract for Financial Management Services, provide them "in-house" at the AAA, or use a hybrid approach. Accompanying tip sheets and documents are included.

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Staying Employed: Early Intervention for Adults with Potentially Disabling Conditions

Did you miss the disability forum which provided an overview of the Demonstration to Maintain Independence and Employment? You can access a live recording of presentations where the rationale for DMIE, a review of its core goals, and descriptions of four states’ implementations of the program were presented. Findings and implications for disability policy are discussed as well.

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