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Overview of ADRC Program – Online Training

Learn about the purpose, goals and activities of ADRCs. This course is geared towards ADRC staff, as well as others serving people with needs for long-term care information, services and supports. It includes a description of resources available on the ADRC-TAE website as well as links to other valuable resources. This course is helpful for anyone who wants to learn about the current trends in LTC policy at the federal, state, and local levels.

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Work Incentive Programs and Building Financial Assets - CA

How is California using online training to help instruct interested people about work incentives? Through webinars, the CHIIP staff are able to train people located anywhere in California. Find archived webinars on the "Talent has No Limits" Website. Corresponding PowerPoint presentations for the “Work Incentive Programs and Building Financial Assets for People with Disabilities” and the “250% Working Disabled Program and Options” webinars are also included.

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Artists Mean Business Video - Hawaii

How is Hawaii marketing its Hire Abilities MIG grant program? One way is by posting sponsored events on their YouTube channel. The following link is for their video which highlights Artists Mean Business, promoting the work of artists with disabilities. This event, posted on the Hireabilities's Channel, is an innovative way of marketing the program and could be useful to other MIG grantees.

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Disability Perspectives – Hawaii

How can states better engage the public and the disabled about employment issues for the disabled in their communities? A unique approach Hawaii has taken is to host a monthly Disability Perspective TV show on public television. Meant to educate the public on employment barriers for people with disabilities and the work incentives available for them, this program covers different topics and personal experiences relating to MIG grant programs. Online streaming of the show is available.

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ArkWrkDisabilities's YouTube Channel - Arkansas

Personal stories of successful employment speaks volumes of a MIG program’s success and is a great marketing tool. Arkansas created a YouTube channel called ArkWrkDisabilities where it showcases inspiring video clips of Arkansans with disabilities who are successfully employed. This approach could be useful to other states trying to find ways to get the word out about their MIG programs.

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Nurse Delegation Webinar

Explore this webinar which provided an overview of nurse delegation in HCBS, including information on how it can support Money Follows the Person initiatives, overcoming barriers in laws and nurse practice acts, and getting buy-in from nurses. Listen to the recorded webinar, review slides from the discussion of a pilot program in NJ and changes in ND to support nurse delegation. Susan Reinhard, RN, PhD, of AARP and a national expert on this topic moderated the webinar.

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Strengthening the Direct Service Workforce in Rural Areas

There are a number of challenges for the direct service workforce in rural areas. Review an issue brief and a recorded webinar presenting strategies that stakeholders can use to provide high-quality long-term care services and supports. States engaged in development of their direct service workforce can use these to gain knowledge of the challenges and learn about some direct service related strategies that other states and rural agencies have implemented.

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