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ADRC Project Consultant Job Description

This job description is for an ADRC Project Consultant for the Minnesota Board on Aging, Minnesota. The postion will provide the Aging and Adult Services Division and the Minnesota Board on Aging with grant administration leadership, coordination, and expertise for the Administration on Aging (AOA) and Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Aging and Disability Resource Center Grant.

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What is a Medicaid Waiver? Long-Term Care Fundamentals #8

This issue of Fundamentals describes Medicaid waivers and how they are generally used by states. It also describes the various types of waivers currently operational in California. The paper offers a broad overview of Research and Demonstration Projects—Section 1115 Waivers; Program Waivers— Section 1915(b) and 1915(c) Waivers and Section 1915 (b) and (c). Review the matrix which summarizes the difference.

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2005 White House Conference on Aging: Final Report

Once a decade this conference meets to make aging policy recommendations to the President and Congress and to assist the public and private sectors in promoting dignity, health, independence, and economic security of current and future generations of older persons. The 2005 session occurred as the first wave of the baby boom generation prepared for retirement, creating an important opportunity to creatively assess aging. You can download the entire final report or selected sections.

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Examination Of Texas Rider 37: A Medicaid “Money Follows The Person” Long-Term Care Initiative

This report provides a brief overview of a research study and its methods for both the field research and the quantitative analyses of the Texas Rider 37 program. The authors then present findings and observations from the qualitative study and quantitative analyses relevant to specific research questions. The report concludes with a summary of the findings.

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State Chart Book on Wages for Personal Care Aides

This chart book compiles the median wages for personal care aides (PCAs) in each state between 2000 and 2010. It reports that PCA wages declined in 17 states between 2009 and 2010; overall, PCA wages for the entire U.S. crept downward slightly. The chart book also finds that real median wages for PCAs declined in 26 states between 2000 and 2010. Data for the chart book was gathered from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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Calculating the Costs of Family Caregiving

What is the cost of family caregiving to employers? A new report, “MetLife Caregiving Cost Study: Productivity Losses to U.S. Business” estimates the costs associated with replacing employees, absenteeism, crisis in care, workday interruptions, supervisory time, unpaid leave and reducing hours from full-time to part-time to total $33.6 billion. A new online tool allows employers to estimate the financial impact of family caregiving responsibilities within their own businesses.

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The Aging Network and Care Transitions: Preparing your Organization Toolkit

A new resource for organizations within the Aging Network that are interested in developing a care transitions program, providing information, tools and case studies. Chapters for the toolkit include: Getting Started, Taking Time to Plan, Developing Effective Partnerships with Health Care Providers, Measuring for Success, Building Organizational Capacity, Implementation and Day-to-Day Operations. The toolkit can be downloaded by sections or in its entirety.

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Public Financing Of Home And Community Services For Children And Youth With Serious Emotional Disturbances: Selected State Strategies

This report describes important system-of-care principles that have shaped the services for youth with SEDs, the role of the various agencies and the financing used by many states. It identifies and critiques four financing mechanisms: HCBS waivers, the Medicaid rehabilitation option, case rates for high risk populations, and provisions in the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA). The paper ends with a synthesis of research questions and implications for legislative efforts.

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The Integration Mandate of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Olmstead v. L.C. - Statement of the Department of Justice on Enforcement

In recognition of the 12th anniversary of the Supreme Court's Olmstead decision, the United States Department of Justice issued an extremely important and comprehensive "Statement on Enforcement of the Integration Mandate" of the ADA and Olmstead. Review the Questions and Answers on the ADA’s Integration Mandate and Olmstead Enforcement.

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You decide. Your help. Consumer Directed Video

Interested in how to use media to market your program? Minnesota has developed short video clips to make it easier for consumers to learn about “You Decide. Your Help.” The following video segments show viewers how to use the consumer directed service option to provide the help you need to continue to live at home. These clips give viewers the basic information on what the option is, who is eligible and who to contact for more information.

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