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Person-Centered Care in Assisted Living

To date, published information about person-centered care in assisted living has been sparse. This paper presents a comprehensive framework about what is needed to support person-centered care outcomes based on evidence-based practices obtained through a broad review of peer-reviewed and grey literature. This informational guide is an important resource for consumers, caregivers, and professionals.

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Independence Plus: 1915c, 1115, or DRA Comparative Matrix

This table is modified from previous chart received during CMS Presentation at 2003 HCBS Waiver Conference (October 28, 2003 Milwaukee, WI) and in draft form. It compares the 1915c, 1115, or DRA for the following issues: Level of Care/ Eligibility, Combining Populations, Budget Neutrality, Reporting, Renewal, and Evaluation, Support Brokerage, Cash Allowance, Hiring Legally Responsible Individuals, Provider Agreements, Direct Payment to Providers, Payment for Services.

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Technical Assistance Center for Caregiver Programs - Website

Explore this site to find upcoming and archived training events, news from the Lifespan Respite and Aging networks, and the Center’s newsletter. The Technical Assistance Centers are a partnership between Family Caregiver Alliance and the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center. Find tools needed for the efficient development and delivery of caregiver support services, best practices, policy & advocacy efforts, and to connect with fellow professionals from the aging networks.

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ADRC-TAE Fact Sheet: How to Secure Medicaid Federal Financial Participation for ADRC Functions

States can draw down federal funds to assist in paying for the operation of their Medicaid program. Some ADRC activities may be eligible for administration federal financial participation (FFP). This resource provides guidance in applying and securing Medicaid FFP for ADRC activities.

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Employer Survey – District of Columbia

Determining local business needs is an integral part of providing effective employment opportunities to the disabled. The District of Colombia used Constant Contact, an online email marketing tool, to survey employers from various sectors in the area. The attached employer survey, results and summary could serve as a template for other states seeking to gauge local employer needs.

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Insights: BetterJobsBetterCare Newsletter- Fall 2005

The BJBC quarterly newsletter contains two stories on building a stronger workforce. “Capturing the Training Needs of Direct Care Workers” describes preliminary findings from a study in which direct-care workers and supervisors are surveyed about how effective their training has been and what else they need to provide quality care. “Matching Direct Care Workers with the Families Who Need Them” describes the searchable web-based registries in several states that bring people together.

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The Transition Planning Process

This data brief provides a national view of the transition planning process undertaken during high school with and for youth with disabilities as they prepare for life after school. The information reported comes from a mail survey of school personnel conducted as part of the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2). Findings from NLTS2 generalize to youth with disabilities nationally who were 13-16 years old, to each of 12 federal disability categories, and to each age group.

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New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, Subcommittee on Evidence-Based Practices: Background Paper

The Background Paper by the Evidence-Based Subcommittee of the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health has been released. After reviewing the opportunities created by the evidence-based practice approach, as well as some of its limitations, this paper describes a series of current initiatives in implementing evidence based practices. It also covers the importance of having an infrastructure for supporting that implementation activity.

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Creating a roadmap out of poverty for Americans with disabilities: A report on the relationship of the Employment and Training Administration’s workforce development system and local asset-building coalitions

New strategies are being pioneered that address both the challenges of advancing employment options for individuals with disabilities and moving forward with options to advance their economic security. This report focuses on three cities: Detroit, Jacksonville and Milwaukee, and the tie-in between the workforce development system and advancing self-sufficiency. These three diverse cities, in partnership with their local organizations have partnered to educate and assist people with disabilities.

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Improving Quality in Community-Based Care Conference: "Perspectives On Quality In Community-Based Care"

These materials are from the national conference sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and held in Nashville on May 2-3, 2002. The goal of the conference was to provide an opportunity for information exchange among decision-makers in the design and implementation of quality management/improvement. This conference was designed to facilitate communication around quality management among state staff, federal agency staff, providers, and consumers/advocates.

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