Children and Families

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Transition to Adult Life for Students with Disabilities

This guidebook explains what schools need to do when providing transition services to youth with disabilities. It is written to parents with a primary emphasis on the legal rights of students with disabilities during the transition years. Although developed for residents of Pennsylvania, much of the information can be useful for assisting individuals in other states as well.

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Parental Caregivers' Desires for Lifetime Assistance Planning for Their Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - Journal Abstract

Future life planning is a growing concern among families with children with disabilities. This article presents a needs assessment evaluating feasibility of a new model for future life planning for family caregivers, Lifetime Assistance, which will provide ongoing planning and monitoring for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Findings show that caregivers overwhelmingly identified the need for the program and many were willing to pay for it themselves.

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Office of Consumer & Family Affairs Newsletter - New Hampshire

How does the state of New Hampshire reach out to individuals with disabilities and their families? The Office of Consumer & Family Affairs (OCFA) provides information, education and support for children and youth, families, adults and older adults who are dealing with the challenges of mental illness. Attached is a newsletter put out by OCFA that provides important updates and resources as well as a link to their website.

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Care At Home: A New Civil Right? – Online News Article

Every year numerous children with severe disabilities who get in-home care through state Medicaid funds age out of the program. Some go to nursing homes, other families struggle to keep their children at home but often get overwhelmed by the care. Read this story about an Illinois family’s struggle, and other families who are suing states for continuation of home care. Links to interactive databases, e.g., milestones in LTC policies with other related information are included in the article.

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Youth Transition Toolkit - California

Find seven practical,person-centered planning tools for transition planning for youths with disabilities. This toolkit is for youths with disabilities ages 12-18+, with the ultimate goal of easing the transition from junior high school into high school, then on to college and/or employment. Included is information on developing Individualized Education Programs, 504 plans, Individual Transition Plans and more.

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Charting The Course: Supporting the Career Development of Youth with Learning Disabilities

Drawing on techniques from both educational and workforce systems, this guide introduces a comprehensive systematic approach for supporting youth with learning disabilities. It reflects a “disability rights” perspective and discusses federal rights to assistive technology, considerations in effective disclosure of a disability, and information on accessing civil rights protections in various settings. Find in-depth information, including numerous charts, tables, and tools.

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FY05 Family-to-Family Report

This report offers a cross-site analysis of the goals, objectives, outputs, outcomes, challenges and barriers of nine FY05 FTF grants. It discusses implementation of the grants, summarizes outputs reported by grantees, and concludes with a discussion of barriers and grantee recommendations for supporting FTF efforts at the state and federal level. Basic information about each grant is included, i.e. title, grantee agency, subcontractors, activities, impacts, outcomes, and accomplishments.

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The Overlooked Caregiver: A Series of Listening Sessions

Four groups of caregivers discuss their challenges in accessing caregiver services. Challenges include lack of access to internet and phone, cultural traditions which prevent self-identification as caregivers, and unexpected caregiving responsibilities for wounded veterans. Proposed solutions included assistance in navigating government programs, connecting new caregivers to peer mentors and caregiver networks, and an increased focus on assisting the care recipient and the caregiver.

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Optimizing Medicaid Enrollment: Spotlight on Technology - LA Express Lane Eligibility

Innovative applications of technology in Medicaid are highlighted in this series of profiles from varying states. Louisiana, a pioneer in using “Express Lane Eligibility” (ELE) is examined in this report. ELE allows Medicaid and CHIP agencies to use eligibility findings from other public programs to identify, enroll, and recertify participants. Despite a 12% reduction in the Medicaid workforce over the last two years, the volume and quality of service has remained consistent.

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Family Voices of Indiana – Website and Yahoo Group

Share advocacy opportunities and updated information on issues that impact Indiana families of children with disabilities or special needs. Family Voices of Indiana advocates for disability services that are family-centered, community-based, comprehensive, coordinated and culturally competent for all children and youth with disabilities. Consider the idea of using social marketing for your F2F center or join this group to share information, collaborate and advocate through their Yahoo site.

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