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Nebraska Amends 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers with the Emergency Preparedness and Response Appendix K

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is approving Nebraska’s fourth submission to amend the following 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers with the Emergency Preparedness and Response Appendix K in order to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The amendments that the state has requested in the Appendix Ks are additive to those previously approved and are effective from March 6, 2020 through March 5, 2021.

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New online tool allows Michiganders to learn their risk of COVID-19

The Aging and Adult Services Agency at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has announced the launch of CV19 CheckUp in Michigan, a free, anonymous, personalized online tool that evaluates someone’s risks associated with COVID-19. BellAge developed the tool to help people be safer & healthier, and ensure their individual needs are met during the pandemic. CV19 CheckUp uses artificial intelligence to analyze data each person provides by completing an online questionnaire.

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States Use Appendix Ks to Provide Innovative Flexibilities for Medicaid Enrollees and Caregivers during COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, states have used the Appendix K Emergency Preparedness and Response authority to amend Medicaid 1915(c) home- and community-based services (HCBS) waivers and quickly provide more flexible services and supports to Medicaid enrollees and, indirectly, their caregivers. The Appendix K amendment was developed to reduce states’ administrative burdens during a crisis by enabling states to rapidly modify or add services provided through Medicaid waivers.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Considerations for the Disability Community

AUCD recently released an FAQ document to support state and local disability leaders advocate for the role of individuals with disabilities in the allocation and distribution plans for a COVID-19 vaccine. The FAQ includes information on the approval, manufacturing, allocation, and distribution processes for a COVID-19 vaccine, AUCD network vaccine resources, and links to addition federal, state, and local public health resources.

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COVID-19/Emergency Preparedness Resource Guide For Kinship Families and Grandfamilies

The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Advisory Council has released a new resource guide for grandfamilies during emergencies. There are an estimated 2.7 million children living in grand family or kinship households in the U.S. today. This guide includes key information related to health care, social services, staying connected, and important helplines, among others.

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Making the Connection: Introducing a Toolkit to Support Telephone Reassurance Programs

Providing telephone reassurance and check-in calls is one key strategy that is being widely used across the country. Programs are engaging volunteers and pulling in staff to meet the need for an increase in such check-in calls. Recognizing that certain conversation skills can help to build trust and deepen engagement, ADvancing States partnered with Emergency Design Collective to create a Conversation Tips Toolkit designed to support reassurance and check-in programs.

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Aging and Disability Resource Center/No Wrong Door Functions: A Leading Indicator in the 2020 LTSS State Scorecard

ACL and the Lewin Group released a report highlighting key takeaways from the AARP 2020 LTSS State Scorecard on state efforts in establishing high-performing ADRC/NWD systems. The report compares current data with results from the 2017 LTSS State Scorecard. The report provides scores based on five domains in ADRC/NWD system functions. The report also shares promising practices/lessons learned from five states – Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts, Ohio, and South Dakota.

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Five Competency Domains for Staff Who Facilitate Person-Centered Planning

This resource was developed for human service agency leadership whose role is directing the organization and delivery of services and supports. The five competency domains include: Strengths-Based, Culturally Informed, Whole Person-Focused; Cultivating Connections Inside the System and Out; Rights, Choice, and Control; Partnership, Teamwork, Communication, and Facilitation; and Documentation, Implementation, and Monitoring.

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Person-Centered Practices Self-Assessment

This resource aims to help human service agencies in states, tribes, and territories to measure their progress in developing person-centered systems. The Self-Assessment was designed to be used by staff at all levels. The Self-Assessment measures progress in eight different domains: Leadership; Person-Centered Culture; Eligibility & Service Access; Person-Centered Service Planning & Monitoring; Finance; Workforce Capacity and Capabilities; Collaboration & Partnership; and Quality & Innovation

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