Aging/Older Adults

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AoA Services for Native Americans

First established in 1978 with the provision of nutrition and supportive services, and expanded in 2000 with the addition of caregiver support services. Grants provided to eligible Tribal organizations to promote the delivery of HCBS services, including nutrition services and support family and informal caregivers, to Native American, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian elders. The programs help reduce the need for institutional care and medical interventions are responsive to cultural diversity.

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AoA National Family Caregiver Support Program Resources

AoA provides funding for a range of supports to family caregivers. This webpage provides a brief introduction to the National Family Caregiver Support Program, authorized under Title III E of the OAA. The NFCSP provides five types of services: 1. information to caregivers about available services, 2. assistance to caregivers in gaining access to the services, 3. individual counseling, organization of support groups, and caregiver training, 4. respite care, and 5.supplemental services.

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Nutrition Services: OAA Title IIIC

Administration on Aging (AoA), through the Older Americans Act (OAA) and other legislation, supports programs that help older adults maintain their independence and dignity in their homes and communities. This webpage provides a brief introduction to the Nutrition Services program, including quality standards, congregate Site and Home-delivered services, Incentive Programs, data, and expenditures.

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Supportive Services and Senior Centers Program

Administration on Aging (AoA), through the Older Americans Act and other legislation, supports programs that help older adults maintain their independence and dignity in their homes and communities. In addition, AoA provides funding for a range of supports to family caregivers. This webpage provides a brief introduction to the Supportive Services and Senior Centers Program, as well as related resources and links.

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AoA Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services Website

Through the Older Americans Act (OAA) and other legislation, Administration on Aging (AOA) supports programs that help older adults remain as healthy and independent as possible in their homes and communities. This webpage provides a brief introduction to the Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services supported by the Aging Network, as well as a list of related resources and links.

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Protecting Family Caregivers from Employment Discrimination

This report covers the issues of eldercare and the workplace. It identifies discrimination in the workplace encountered by workers with eldercare responsibilities as an emerging trend and highlights the limited protections for working caregivers. The report calls for developing public and private solutions to ensure that workers with eldercare responsibilities receive equal employment opportunity and are protected from workplace discrimination.

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Wyoming State Plan on Aging, 2011-2015

This document sets forth the State of Wyoming's plan on aging in accordance with Older Americans Act requirements. The plan describes the mission and strategies of Wyoming's State Unit on Aging (SUA) to coordinate services for older adults. The Plan contains information on aging demographics, the mission for the duration of the plan, and sets out goals to empower older adults to be more independent, promote wellness, and expand home and community-based services.

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