Aging/Older Adults

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Aging and Disability Resource Centers and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

In light of HIPAA, Aging and Disability Resource Centers face an important challenge. Since an ADRC is designed to be a one-stop shop for consumers for long-term care information, assistance and access to services, it may be subject to HIPAA’s requirements. This Issue Brief, prepared by the National Association of State Units on Aging, reviews the privacy and security provisions of HIPAA and highlights potential implications for ADRCs.

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TAE Issue Brief: Long Term Support For Individuals With Disabilities

The ADRC program calls for aging networks to broaden its target population & closely coordinate with the disability network to establish seamless systems for consumers. This brief provides background information on characteristics of individuals with physical disabilities, describes the major information & service needs & the existing supports & services system. The brief also addresses implications for grantees in serving this population & provides additional resources to facilitate operations.

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Managing Medicaid Take-Up: Strategies, Efforts, and Evaluation: The Complexity of Simplifying the Medicaid Application Process

This report summarizes a study supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation examining how 18 states simplified the Medicaid eligibility process. Study Highlights: The type & extent of Medicaid application simplification measures, times which simplification occured, contact types varied to assist Medicaid eligible individuals with the application, Medicaid budget cuts are likely to negatively impact the application process.

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Texas Real Choice Program Project Materials

The Heart of Central Texas Real Choice is a project of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission through a grant & collaboration between the Area Agency on Aging of the Heart of Texas, the Area Agency on Aging of Central Texas, & the Heart Of Central Texas Independent Living Center. The attached material contain a program overview, job descriptions, workbooks and other materials that explain the program.

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The Massachusetts ADRC Project

Three grahpics explain the way the MA ADRC project is coordinated between an Area Agency on Aging & an Independent Living Center. The Team Report details the essential role of the intake team in creating a “one-stop” ADRC by bridging the philosophies of two separate long term care services one serving older adults & one serving adults with disabilities. A flyer soliciting consumers, a flyer offering a program overview & an application for the ADRC Consumer Involvement Board is also provided.

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On-line Consumer Decision Tools for Long Term Supports and Services

This page provides a list of links to Web sites that provide interactive on-line decision tools related to long term supports and services, as well as other topics of interest for seniors and people with disabilities. Links include: Long Term Care Planning Tool; Nursing Home Compare; Home Health Compare; Prescription Drug and Other Assistance Programs; CHEQ: Comprehensive Healthcare and Earnings Query; MN Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities; Care Planner; BenefitsCheckUp

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Assessment and Implementation Guide for Older Americans Act: Information & Referral/Assistance

This is the Administration on Aging's National Aging Information and Referral/Assistance Support Center guide. This guide assists State and Area Agencies on Aging and local providers in matching I&R/A services with established AIRS Standards.

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