Aging/Older Adults

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Vulnerable Adult Abuse Awareness Kit

The Wyoming Department of Health/Aging Division staff who oversee the Nursing Facility Transitions Grant, Dorothy Thomas & Marcia Harvey, who oversees the Ombudsman Program worked in partnership with Jan Stiles, Adult Protective Services/Department of Family Services to develop & implement a standardized Vulnerable Adult Abuse Awareness Kit. They contain a variety of materials to address Adult Abuse & were presented to agencies by trained individual & local Adult Protective Service workers.

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Florida Policy Exchange Center for Aging Policy Report and Website

FPECA is a type I Research Center, charged by the Florida Board of Regents to inform policymakers, media representative, scholars, and advocates on policies, programs, and services for older adults. Available on the site: Florida Training Academy on Aging, State Data Center on Aging, Task Force on the Availability and Affordability of Long-Term Care. FPECA produced reports and a periodic journal, Aging Research and Policy Report.

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Louisianaanswers: The Louisiana ADRC Website, Marketing Materials and Evaluation

The following documents provide an overview of the Louisiana ADRC called the Louisiana Aging and Disability Information Station. The first document outlines how advisory board members can market the program including the Louisiana ADRC Web site, There is also a report that provides a step by step narrative of the approach to marketing and lastly the status report on the ADRC program covers the period from August 1, 2004 to September 30, 2004.

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Senior LinkAge Line Website and Program Survey Tools

Senior LinkAge Line is a free telephone information and assistance service which makes it easy for older adults and their families to find community services. With a single call, families can find particular or get help evaluating the situation and to determine what kind of service might be helpful. The ADRC grant project has shared their survey tools for both the Call Center and One-on-One Assistance.

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Older Americans 2004: Key Indicators of Well-Being

An analysis of the status of older Americans gleaned from a variety of federal sources covers 37 key indicators divided into five subject areas: population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors, and health care. The report includes data on population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors, and health care. The data are arrayed in charts and tables with accompanying narrative.

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Measuring the Years: State Aging Trends & Indicators

To assist states in preparing for the challenges and opportunities they will face as baby-boomers age, the National Governors Association's Center for Best Practice's (NGA Center) published this report designed to identify current trends and future directions, and to assist state policymakers in creating programs and policies that respond to need. This data book provides information on demographic shifts, health care concerns, & long term care workforce shortages.

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Aging and Disability Resource Centers: One Contact for Easy to Access Long-Term Support Services

This article was prepared for the TASH Connections newsletter and it highlights the ADRC initiative. Aging and Disability Resource Centers, or “Resource Centers”, are designed to reduce the confusion often experienced in the search for appropriate long-term community supports. The three-year Resource Center grants given to 24 states are part of the New Freedom Initiative aimed at overcoming barriers to community living for people with disabilities of all ages.

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Tennessee Personal Assistant Supports & Services: Self-Assessment Tool and User\'s Guide

The ARC of Tennessee developed this Personal Assistance Supports and Services Guide to provide people with disabilities the information & tools needed to hire and manage a Personal Assistant. Consumers first complete the self-assessment tool to determining needs. This entry also includes the user's guide and evaluation feedback form.

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Curriculum in Ethnogeriatrics Website

This site offers downloadable training materials and information for those providing care to older adults from specific ethnic groups. The materials include information about diseases prevalent in particular groups, cultural beliefs & practices, historical events that influenced particular groups. While the focus is on providing culturally appropriate health care services, much of the information offered is applicable to people providing a broad range of long term care & supportive services.

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