Aging/Older Adults

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Shoring Up the Infrastructure for Long-Term Care: What Do Vulnerable Adults Know About Their Options?

This report summarizes the results of a telephone survey conducted by Mathematica in mid-2002 of adults age 50 and over in 13 communities. The report includes population characteristics as well as their knowledge of long-term care coverage and service availability.

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Wisconsin's Functional Screen for Multiple Populations

Wisconsin’s Functional Screen system is a web-based application used to collect information about an individual’s functional status, health, and need for assistance for various programs that serve the frail elderly and people with developmental or physical disabilities. The website includes numerous resources regarding both an adult and children's version.

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Wisconsin's Family Care Final Evaluation Report

The Lewin Group under contract with Wisconsin's Legislative Audit Bureau examined the implementation, early outcomes, and cost effectiveness of the restructuring of Wisconsin’s long-term care system for the elderly, the physically disabled, and the developmentally disabled. The report offers key-findings based on over the past few years evaluation.

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More Can Be Done: Involvement of Older Consumers in the Design, Implementation and Oversight of Home and Community Based Services

This paper explores the role of older participants in planning, developing and overseeing home and community based service (HCBS) programs. It seeks to help State Units on Aging and others in the aging network identify concrete steps they can take to support the role of these older individuals as public policy advocates. The report addresses the extent of older HCBS participants' current involvement, the barriers to success, and the strategies being used to attain participation.

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Cashing & Counseling Grant Application Materials and Supporting Teleconference Material 2004

Included here is the call for proposals for the 2004 demonstration of Cash & Counseling and three supporting teleconferences. These teleconferences discuss the requirements for the grant, as well as present past lessons and answer applicant's questions.

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Consumer Preferences for a Consumer-Directed Cash Option Versus Traditional Services: Telephone Survey Findings for Florida Elders and Adults with Disabilities

This report describes the results from a telephone survey in Florida. The survey was conducted prior to implementing the Cash and Counseling program in the state. The research process and results are presented and discussed.

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The Effects Of Cash And Counseling On Personal Care Services And Medicaid Costs In Arkansas

The Cash & Counseling Demonstration gives Medicaid beneficiaries who are eligible for personal care services a consumer-directed allowance in lieu of traditional agency services. This report discusses the effects of this program on both the medicaid costs and personal care services recieved in Arkansas.

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The Nursing Facility Transition Project: New Medicaid Waiver Services for Persons with Dementia Workbook

Alabama Discharge Planner Training Manual used to train hospital discharge planners on community based resources available to individuals with dementia to avoid premature placement within the nursing home. The Workbook is written as a resource for all professionals involved in the ADSS Elderly and Disabled Medicaid Waiver Program

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