Aging/Older Adults

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Assuring Quality in Wisconsin\'s Functional Screen System

This report provides a comprehensive framework for Wisconsin’s Functional Screen Quality Assurance. Wisconsin’s Functional Screen system (a web-based application that collects information about an individual’s functional status, health and need for assistance for various programs) is comprised of three separate screens: Adult Long Term Care Functional Screen (LTC FS), Children’s Long Term Support Functional Screen (CLTS FS), and Mental Health/AODA Functional Screen (MH/AODA FS).

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Quality Close to Home: A Preliminary Design for an Integrated Quality Management System

The “Quality Close to Home” papers are part of Wisconsin’s process to review the existing quality management system for Home and Community Based Services. The report on local practices was the result of a series of interviews conducted with local informants who conduct quality management activities. The second paper outlines the scope of quality management, challenges of quality management, federal rules and regulations, and provides a design for an improved quality management system.

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UCare: A Website for Utah Caregivers

The UCare website is a feature of the Utah Department of Human services and exists primarily to help caregivers and provide link to other resources. Resources are for the elderly, people with mental illness, for people with disabilities and their caregivers. Information is available on-line and through a statewide toll free number. Other features to note include provider report cards, guides, a glossary and the long-term care planning tool.

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The Caregiver Guide

The Utah Real Choice grant produced “The Caregiver Guide” and they have shared several modules. Topics covered include: Community Supports to Stay at Home, Caring for a family member with mental illness, Hiring and managing personal assistants, Assistive technology, Creating an accessible home, and Caring for a child with special needs. Modules are also available in Spanish.

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Measuring Quality Using Experience Surveys & Results

The following two reports are the result of face-to-face and mailing surveys to evaluate user experiences. The face-to-face surveys were conducted with people who are 18 years of age and older who receive Medicaid waiver or Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Mental Retardation (ICF/MR) Program Services. The Children/Family Surveys were mailed to families of children under 18 years of age who received services in programs operated by the Department in 2005.

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Quality Assurance and Improvement: DataMart Software Requirement Specifications and Reports

The goal of the QAI Datamart is to develop a consumer-based reporting and data analysis database using the Home and Community-Based Services Quality Framework. The QAI DataMart will support data analysis and decision support for quality assurance and improvement. The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is to document the customer’s requirements for the applications being developed or enhanced. The reports and queries available from the DataMart are also included.

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A House in Order: A Planning Guide

This is a planning document developed by the Ozaukee County Aging Services Department that helps individuals gather thoughts and discuss them with their family by asking, What Do You Want? This document, subtitled “Your Personal Guide for Planning a Happy Healthy & Independent Long Life” helps individuals take an inventory of the values and preferences. The guide recommends recording what you want and reviewing the list periodically with those closest so they can carry out the plans.

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Consumer-Directed Supports Toolbox

The Consumer-Directed Supports Toolbox is a set of materials developed under the Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Services and Supports (CPASS) grant awarded to North Carolina in 2002. It was developed to support the implementation of consumer-directed options in North Carolina. The “toolbox” consists of 3 powerpoint presentations, a set of exercises to be used in conjunction with the powerpoints, a consumer-directed supports manual, brochures and other visual aids.

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Planning Worksheets for Nursing Facility Transitions

This series of worksheets provides examples of what the Michigan Nursing Facility Transition grant used in planning the transition from the nursing facility to the community. Review the worksheets for Daily Living, Employment Planning, Financial Planning, Health Planning, Housing Planning, Planning Template, Self-Determination, Social and Transportation Planning.

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Nursing Facility Transition and Diversion: Module 1: An Overview of Transition & Diversion Programs

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 1 is an overview of transition and diversion in the long-term care system. After a brief introduction to nursing facility transition programs, the presentation dispels some myths about the outcomes of transition and diversion programs. In addition, Module 1 discusses different aspects of nursing home transition and the legislation and lawsuits that have affected this process.

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