State/Agency Information

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Wisconsin's Family Care Final Evaluation Report

The Lewin Group under contract with Wisconsin's Legislative Audit Bureau examined the implementation, early outcomes, and cost effectiveness of the restructuring of Wisconsin’s long-term care system for the elderly, the physically disabled, and the developmentally disabled. The report offers key-findings based on over the past few years evaluation.

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Planning Retreat Presentations: National Vision and Expectations and Systems Overview

Two presentations from the South Carolina Planning Retreat in January 2004 can be found here. A presentation by Susan Reinhard, of the Community Living Exchange Collaborative, focuses on ADRC purpose, goals, and system issues. A presentation by Karen Linkins and Sharon Zeruld, TAE, focuses on national vision and expectations for ADRCs.

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Psychotropic Medications: Addressing Costs without Restricting Access

States have used a variety of techniques to combat the rising costs of prescriptions, especially for psychotropic medications. This paper notes that it is important to consider alternatives that have the potential to both contain costs and improve the quality of care and outcomes. The paper provides some examples of promising practices from Pennsylvania, Missouri, Texas, and Massachusetts.

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