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TAE Issue Brief: Web-Based Housing Registries

One of the most significant barriers to the development of comprehensive home and community-based support systems the availability of affordable, accessible housing. To help persons with disabilities of all ages locate housing, a handful of states have developed information and assistance programs that provider information on rental housing. This brief provides an overview of a sample of existing web-based housing registries in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Tennessee.

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TAE Issue Brief: An Annotated History of Wisconsin’s Aging and Disability Resource Centers

Wisconsin’s Family Care pilot program constitutes a major re-design of the state’s long-term care (LTC) system. Concerns over system fragmentation, institutional bias, and rising expenditures fueled a strong desire in Wisconsin to improve and redesign the system. This paper summarizes the Wisconsin Resource Center (RC) experience as documented in The Lewin Group’s four reports for the Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau’s Evaluation of the Family Care Program.

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Pennsylvania Community Choice Customer Satisfaction Surveys

There are three customer satisfaction surveys from the Pennslyvania Community Choice program included here. There are two surveys for consumers found to be eligible for HCBS services: one for those who enrolled and one for those who did not. The third survey was intended for consumers who were found to be ineligible for HCBS services.

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Wisconsin's Functional Screen for Multiple Populations

Wisconsin’s Functional Screen system is a web-based application used to collect information about an individual’s functional status, health, and need for assistance for various programs that serve the frail elderly and people with developmental or physical disabilities. The website includes numerous resources regarding both an adult and children's version.

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