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NASHP\'s 17th Annual State Health Policy Conference Presentations: Gateway to Great Ideas in State Health Policy

This conference was designed to assess state initiatives to improve quality, cost, and access and to help policy makers—from both the executive and legislative branches—identify the most promising and cost effective of these programs and policies. Sessions of interest for grantees include: Quality Challenges in LTC, Self-Direction Sweeping States, Information to Live by...Building Integrated Health Data Systems, Beyond HCBS Waivers, Money Follows the Person, Medicare Modernization Act

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CMS State Medicaid Directors Letter: Money Follows the Person

More states than ever are re-directing Medicaid funds to keep more people out of institutions and living in their own communities and homes, and there are many approaches that states can use to accomplish this, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) said August 17th in a letter to state Medicaid directors. In addition there is a link to the two previously sent State Medicaid Directors letters, which are referenced in the letter.

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