State/Agency Information

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Data Collection for the Benefits Information Network – Indiana

How well is the state of Indiana’s Information Network (BIN) program satisfying participant needs? Funded in part, by the Indiana Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, BIN was set up to create a network between all the benefits counselors and providers to improve the use of federal and state work incentives. By exploring the number of cases per region, as well as work incentives used and recommended, this survey could serve as a guide for other states, with similar goals.

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Spreadsheets for Budget Development, Intake, Allowance, and Rate Calculator - Vermont

This spreadsheet was developed for Vermont's Flexible Choices program and it allows you to put in the basic client demographics as well as the key elements to their budget development and then automatically creates the other forms you need to complete a budget. Included are: the Intake Sheet, the Budget Sheet, the Allowance Form, and a Rate Calculator.

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Working With Providers: A Toolkit For States Implementing Cash & Counseling Programs And Consumer-Directed Services

This Provider Resistance Toolkit includes: Tips on working with providers, a template letter for providers, template frequently asked question document, template Power Point presentation, sample case management references, graphic: Consumer and Provider tasks in consumer-directed services and basic components, and a sample presentation: Self-direction: What to look for from the federal, state and provider perspectives.

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Personal Care Services Eligibility Determination - Indiana

This is an analytical tool developed in 2009 by the National Consortium for Health Systems Development (NCHSD), in collaboration with CMS, to help states determine if they are eligible for a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG). This tool also includes links to more detailed information found in the 2008 MIG Solicitation document.

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Beyond Cash & Counseling: The Second Generation of Individual Budget-based Community Long Term Care Programs For the Elderly

States are increasingly interested in the individual budget model for older Medicaid beneficiaries as a mechanism to improve responsiveness of benefits to beneficiaries’ needs and preferences and to increase their ability to remain outside or leave nursing homes. This report describes 10 operating individual budget model programs that serve older persons and identifies four areas of program design that are of particular importance to the success of the individual budget model.

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