Tasks To Be Performed By a Government Fiscal/Employer Agent
Article Publication Date
The purpose of this document is to assist government program agencies who wish to contract with Vendor F/EAs who have separate FEINs to file certain federal tax forms for individuals they act as agent for.
Westchester Consulting Group
Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (F/EA); 3504 of IRS code; Revenue Procedure 70-6; IRS Proposed Notice 2003-70; Preparing and Maintaining a Vendor F/EA Policies and Procedures Manual; Obtaining a Separate FEIN; Federal Tax Filing and Payment; Contracting with and Delegating F/EA Tasks to a Reporting Agent; When Does a Vendor F/EA’s Liability for Filing and Depositing Federal Taxes Begin?; Obtaining Federal And State Approval To Be A Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (F/EA); Preparing and Distributing Individual Enrollment and Worker Employment Packages; Individual Enrollment Packets; Worker Employment Packets; Management of Individuals’ Budget Funds; Payroll Process; End of Year Federal Tax Processes; Processing Payment for Independent Contractors; Customer Service System; Record Management Process; Brokering Workers’ Compensation Insurance; Preparing and Maintaining a Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Policies and Procedures Manual; Staying Up-to-Date With Federal and State Rules and Regulations; Managing Invoices for Goods and Services Rendered; Preparing and Submitting The Required Reports
The Westchester
Consulting Group
4000 Cathedral Avenue NW
Suite 225B
Washington, DC 20016