
Short Name: 

Person-Centered Systems Change: Reflections from the First NCAPPS Technical Assistance Cohort

Event Description: 
NCAPPS is hosting a webinar on June 23, 2021 to reflect on their 2019 technical assistance cohort.  This webinar will feature four NCAPPS states that will be discussing their achievements over the last year and plans for the future. Panelist and discussants will talk about the importance of including people who use services in facilitating person-centered systems change. This webinar will also review the application process for the next round of NCAPPS Technical Assistance.

Keeping Tribal Elders Connected – Real Stories from the Front Lines

Event Description: 
Join UNITE for a panel discussion with tribal nursing home and assisted living facility staff. Panelists will share their experiences supporting tribal elders and discuss best practices for responding to social isolation among elders.
Learning objectives:
  • Hear best practices to combat social isolation among tribal elders

NCOA-Lyft Vaccine Rides for Older Adults

Event Description: 

NCOA has partnered with Lyft to provide ride credits to older adults traveling to and from their COVID-19 appointments as part of Lyft's Universal Vaccine Access campaign. The Lyft promo codes can be used for a roundtrip ride for each dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Each code below covers up to $50 per round trip ($25 to the vaccine appointment, and $25 back home). There are no location restrictions, and the vaccine ride codes are valid through December 31, 2021.

  • Dose 1 Code (to and from their appointment): SENIORVAX1

Innovating Long-Term Care Models to Promote Living Longer, Healthier Lives With Dignity

Event Description: 
This webinar is part of Manatt Health's series, "Ten Health Care Imperatives for the Decade Ahead." The webinar will feature a panel of industry leaders who will discuss the effects of COVID-19 on populations using long-term care. It will also explore the opportunities that have emerged from the pandemic to rethink the system and design new policy pathways.

JFNA's Center on Aging and Trauma: Call for Applications Informational Call

Event Description: 
The Jewish Federations of North America's (JFNA) Center on Aging and Trauma, a project of the Holocaust Survivor Initiative, is seeking applications to expand person-centered, trauma-informed (PCTI) services for Holocaust survivors, older adults with a history of trauma, and/or their family caregivers. PCTI care is a holistic approach developed by the Center on Aging and Trauma that uses knowledge about trauma to develop programs and procedures that promote the well-being and empowerment of trauma survivors.

Key Priorities for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS): Q&A with Ralph Lollar

Event Description: 
In this session, Ralph Lollar, Director of the Division of Long Term Services and Supports, Disabled and Elderly Health Program Group at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), will outline key priorities for CMS in the coming months that are most relevant to self-direction programs. Ralph will be answering questions from participants on relevant topics. Registration is free but limited to the first 500 registrants.

Straightforward EVV compliance, with zero intrusion: Introducing CareAttend

Event Description: 
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements have a daily impact on self-directed care, however individuals who self-direct need the flexibility to manage care as they always have, with the assurance that their privacy is protected. Applied-Self Direction is hosting an event to discuss how Financial Management Services (FMS) can operate efficiently and in compliance with EVV, and maintain participant and caregiver satisfaction.

Authentic Stakeholder Engagement: A Discussion with Colorado’s Participant Direction Programs Policy Collaborative

Event Description: 
This webinar will feature members of Colorado’s Participant Directed Programs Policy Collaborative to share their approach to discussing policy program decisions. This discussion will explore how self-direction, and later the collaborative, came to be in Colorado, as well as share lessons learned from the participant and state perspectives on forging a productive partnership. Registration is free but limited to the first 500 registrants.
This webinar will be held on Friday, May 21, 2021 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.


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