
Short Name: 

TrustedRide: A New Approach to Providing Transportation Assistance

Event Description: 
NADTC is hosting a webinar on May 25, 2021 to discuss Trusted Ride Certified, a model that recruits and trains chaperones to ride with older adults and people with disabilities who need assistance. The webinar will explain how this model functions with different types of transportation and will highlight the examples of the program in Baltimore, Maryland and South Central Connecticut.

Elder Abuse in People Living with Dementia: Considerations for Prevention, Detection and Intervention

Event Description: 
Join the NADRC for a webinar to discuss elder abuse in people living with dementia. The session will be led by a physician and an attorney with years of experience in the field. They will discuss indicators that should raise concern, provide practical tips on when and how to intervene, and highlight the issue of capacity
This webinar will be held on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET.

Continued Impacts of COVID-19 on the Aging Network and New Resources to Support Your Work

Event Description: 
Join n4a to discuss the results of their recent poll that asked AAAs to consider the needs and services of the Aging Network as communities begin to reopen after COVID-19. The webinar will cover the impacts of COVID-19 on AAA services, operations and clients, as well as share information about recently published n4a resources, including data briefs, innovative practice examples, slides and infographics that agencies can use to support their programs.
This webinar will be held on Thursday, May 13, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. ET.

International Advances in Self-Direction: Themes from a Disability Leadership Exchange

Event Description: 
This session will have presenters from HSRI and Applied Self-Direction describe what they learned from the international learning exchange on self-direction and mental health in 2019. Presenters will share their experiences with program design and innovative approaches to implement self-direction programs. This international perspective will provide insight into the various ways person-centered strategies and self-directed services are used globally. Registration is free and limited to the first 500 registrants. 

The Administration for Community Living’s Priorities for 2021 and Beyond

Event Description: 
Applied Self Direction's next session in their virtual conference series will feaure Alison Barkoff, ACL's Acting Administrator. This session will focus ACL's priorities for the next year and will explore how self-direction will be supported under her leadership. There will be time for questions following the presentation. Registration is free and limited to the first 300 registrants.
This session will be held on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 from 3:00p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET.

National Training Program Medicare Update & Education Webinar

Event Description: 
Join CMS's upcoming webinar for information on Medicare updates, Older Americans Month, Mental Health Awareness Month and Medicare coverage of screenings and counseling, andMedicare and the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program.
This webinar will be held on Thursday, May 13, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET.
You must create an account to register.
Click here to register.

Navigating Older American’s Act Title III-D During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Event Description: 
Join ACL's webinar on May 21, 2021 to discuss best practices for selecting and delivering evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programs. Discussion will include an overview of programs delivered in remote, in-person, and socially-distanced formats. Attendees will hear from three ACL grant recipients about the strategies they are using to deliver these programs during the pandemic. This webinar has been rescheduled from April 23, 2021.

The Evolution of Person-Centered Practices

Event Description: 
This webinar will provide an overview of person-centered practices, including the history of person-centered thinking, evolving efforts related to implementation of person-centered planning, and looking ahead to what is needed for achieving person-centered supports and systems moving forward. Attendees will hear from speakers Michael Smull, founder of The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices (TLC-PCP) and a senior partner in Support Development Associates (SDA), Tanya M.

Bringing Older Adults Online

Event Description: 
Join Aging Connected for a live webinar on how the digital divide, defined as separating those with access to the internet and those without, intersects with aging. This public health and social justice crisis has left nearly 22 million older Americans without high-speed internet access at home. The webinar will explore new research and describe how Aging Connected is working to reach one million older adults by June of 2022.


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