
Short Name: 

Stories and Lessons Learned from PA’s Housing Demonstration Project

Event Description: 

This webinar will feature panelists with lived experience and the professionals who support them sharing their experiences with the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council’s projects to increase self-direction in housing for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The projects were designed to compel systemic change through individual experiences that demonstrate the power of resources being directed by the person with the guidance and support they need to find and make a home of their own.

Overview of Accessible Formats

Event Description: 

SAR-TAC, the self-advocacy resource and technical assistance center funded by ACL and managed by Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) is hosting a new webinar series on accessibility and writing in plain language. The first webinar in the series is intended for government and nonprofits. The webinar will serve as a general overview of accessible formats, plain language, and basic principles for accessible writing. The webinar will also include a question and answer portion. 

This webinar will be held on Monday, April 17 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.

Creative Fundraising for Senior Nutrition Programs

Event Description: 

ACL’s Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs is hosting a webinar to explore creative ways to fundraise for senior nutrition programs. Attendees will learn how fundraising contributes to a sustainable program. The webinar will also explore how to identify and evaluate fundraising activities and their target audiences as well as how to develop community relationships and partnerships.


The Range of Remedies in Elder Mistreatment

Event Description: 

Elder mistreatment cases are often complex, and contextual and cultural variations impact elder mistreatment perceptions and responses. These factors may create challenges in identifying and navigating appropriate remedies and responses. Recommended interventions vary based on the type, severity, and context of abuse as well as the goals, preferences, and values of the older adult who has experienced harm.

Older Adult Homelessness and Housing: Using Prevention to Turn the Tide

Event Description: 

This webinar is hosted by NCOA’s Equity in Aging Collaborative, as a part of its webinar series “Turning the Tide on Economic Security in the Later Years,” with support from RRF Foundation for Aging.  The National Alliance to End Homelessness, SAGE, and Serving Seniors based in San Diego, California will share information about how the national housing and affordability crisis is impacting people as they age- particularly older adults of color in communities across the country. Within this moderated panel discussion, attendees will learn not only about the reasons many adult

CMS Opens Door for Pre-Release Services for Justice-Involved Populations: Health Care and Justice System Implications

Event Description: 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently approved a first-of-its-kind waiver allowing California’s Medicaid program to pay for health care services for individuals before they are released from state prisons, county jails, and youth correctional facilities. This approval partly waives the federal Medicaid inmate exclusion policy, allowing transitional care services for youth and Medicaid-eligible adults with chronic medical or behavioral health needs up to 90 days prior to release.

Community Living Housing Options: Perspective on Barriers and Solutions

Event Description: 

ACL is hosting a 3 part series on community-based housing options for people with I/DD. The webinars will explore barriers people with I/DD face in securing housing; highlight the limited range of housing options; and feature innovative strategies, resources, partners, and funding streams to help create more housing options for people with I/DD. The first webinar in the series will provide:

Coast to Coast and Everything In-between: LGBTQ+ Inclusive State Planning

Event Description: 

This webinar will provide lessons learned from the SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging’s work with state units on aging and disability organizations to support the inclusion of older LGBTQ+ people in data collection, outreach, and services. It will also include a discussion panel and Q&A on LGBTQ+ aging, successful planning strategies, and actions state units on aging can take to create welcoming and inclusive aging services for LGBTQ+ elders as outlined in the OAA.

Quality, Fidelity and Compliance Expectations for Service Delivery Providers

Event Description: 

NCOA will host a webinar on Thursday, March 23, 2023 that will focus on the contractual obligations of service delivery partners when offering evidence-based programs for payment. Mid-America Regional Council will share their experience managing a statewide network of service delivery partners under health care contracts. The webinar is the second in a four-part webinar series.


The webinar will take place on Thursday, March 23,2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30p.m. ET.



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