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HUD Funding to Develop Housing for Grandfamilies

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Join the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center for a webinar titled “HUD Funding to Develop Housing for Grandfamilies.” In early 2024, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will release a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly. This program includes funding to support the development of intergenerational housing for caregivers aged 62 and older who are raising children.

The Role of Person-Centered Planning for Employment Support

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The Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC) and the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) are kicking off 2024 with an upcoming webinar focused on strengthening the connection between person-centered planning and advancing competitive, integrated employment. NCAPPS will highlight five competency domains, also known as skill areas, as a guide for human service agency staff tasked with facilitating person-centered planning.

Legal Basics: Social Security Overpayments

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Join the National Center on Law and Elder Rights (NCLER) for an upcoming webinar discussing the legal basics of Social Security overpayments. An overpayment of Social Security (Title II) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI, or Title XVI) benefits occurs whenever an individual receives more money for a month than the amount that should have been paid by the Social Security Administration (SSA). NCLER will review the options individuals have when they receive a notice of an overpayment from SSA during this training.

Expanding Access to Service Coordination: Two Models of Braiding Funding

Event Description: 

The Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC) will host an upcoming webinar titled “Expanding Access to Service Coordination: Two Models of Braiding Funding.” This event will feature two models for braiding funding streams across sectors to maximize the use of existing resources and broaden access to service coordination in a sustainable way. Braiding funding involves connecting funds from multiple sources to fund different activities. Presenters will discuss program structures, funding and braiding processes, partnerships, and outcomes.

What the Aging and Disability Networks Need to Know About the CMS GUIDE Model for Dementia Care

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In an upcoming webinar, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and USAging’s Aging and Disability Business Institute will discuss opportunities for aging and disability networks to engage in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center's new dementia care initiative, known as the Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) model. GUIDE focuses on dementia care management with the intent to support people living with dementia and their caregivers in their homes and communities for as long as possible.

Strengthening the Dementia Capable Workforce: Dementia Training for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Service Providers

Event Description: 

The Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC), with support from RTI International, is hosting an upcoming webinar titled “Strengthening the Dementia Capable Workforce: Dementia Training for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Service Providers.” This webinar will explore educational programs used to train providers of aging and intellectual and developmental disability services.

JAN Accommodation and Compliance Webcast Series

Event Description: 

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Accommodation and Compliance Webcast Series returns in January 2024 with a series of eight webcasts featuring a range of disability employment topics. Participants will gain an understanding of workplace accommodation issues and discover practical insights into the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related laws by attending this free virtual training series.

Everyone Can Self-Direct: Lessons Learned from the NCAPPS Self-Direction Learning Collaborative

Event Description: 

The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) is hosting an upcoming webinar to share lessons learned from their Self-Direction Learning Collaborative. In 2022, NCAPPS determined that there was a need for a national effort to expand the quality and availability of self-direction as a person-centered option available to a wide variety of potential participants.

Talking Aging Tuesday: A Conversation Confronting Structural Ageism

Event Description: 

Join the American Society on Aging (ASA) for an upcoming live event titled “Talking Aging Tuesday: A Conversation Confronting.” This session will discuss the importance of language in addressing systemic ageism and advocating for inclusive policies. Beyond Generations will facilitate a discussion on strategies to influence policy and advocacy initiatives, aiming to dismantle ageist structures present in societal frameworks at systemic and individual levels.

Request for Applications: Medicaid Health-Related Social Needs Implementation Learning Series

Event Description: 

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), in collaboration with the Kaiser Permanente National Community Benefit Fund at The East Bay Community Foundation, has announced its upcoming "Medicaid Health-Related Social Needs Implementation Learning Series." This initiative aims to assist up to nine Medicaid agencies in developing, implementing, or refining high-impact initiatives to address health-related social needs (HRSN).


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