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Webinar: Assessing CBO Capacity to Partner with Health Care Entities

In the era of integrated and accountable care community-based organizations (CBO) are well-positioned to take advantage of opportunities presented by healthcare entities seeking social-service provider partnerships. Getting from “willing” to “ready” however, can take a lot of work and strategic business planning. CBOs need to assess their capacity among a number of operational and organizational domains that are important for successful healthcare collaboration, including culture, staffing, marketing, pricing, data collection and analysis, quality reporting, and others.

Webinar: Integrating Health and Community Supports for Aging in Place

The American Institutes for Research (AIR) is hosting a webinar about integrating health and community supports for aging in place. The Baby Boomers and future generations may see unprecedented longevity. How will our communities and institutions change to accommodate this seismic trend? Most older adults want to age in their own homes in the communities of their choice, with supports needed to do so. But are these community support services available to meet these wishes, promote healthy aging and possibly save health care dollars? How will we pay for them?

Webinar: Hospital to Home Preparation for Seniors

The American Society on Aging (ASA) is hosting a webinar about the about the preparation necessary when an older adult is moving from the hospital and back into their home. The costs of hospital readmissions-physical, financial, and emotional-are staggering. If you have a client who is about to return home from a hospital stay, or are a caregiver to an older adult in this situation, this web seminar will help to avoid unnecessary readmissions through preparing the home (and yourself) for the older adult’s return.

Webinar: Understanding Parkinson's: Tips for Disease Management

The American Society on Aging (ASA) is hosting a webinar that will offer tips for management of Parkinson's. Parkinson’s disease is the second-most common neurodegenerative illness after Alzheimer’s disease. With the burgeoning aging population, it is imperative that social workers, nurses, case managers and discharge planners appreciate the nuances of this chronic illness so they can advocate for the appropriate management of their Parkinson’s patients.

Webinar: Medicaid Advocacy 101 Part III: Long-Term Services & Supports Reforms and Landscape

The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) is hosting the third webinar about long-term services and supports reforms and landscape. LTSS Reforms and Landscape is the third in a four part webinar series designed for emerging leaders in Medicaid advocacy. Presenters will look at the foundational elements of the Medicaid program and how states adjust and differ in their programmatic design. Presenters will include individuals with State, Federal, Health Plan and CIL experience.

Webinar: Memory Loss and the Public Health Burden: Results from the 2015 BRFSS

A recent analysis of the 2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) indicates that over 50 percent of midlife and older adults with increasing memory problems report negative effects on their ability to perform everyday tasks or do work or social activities. To learn more, join us on Wednesday, December 14 from 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Webinar: Aging in Place: Integrating Health and Housing for Low-Income and Chronically Ill Seniors

Community Catalyst is hosting the third webinar in a series of webinars that aims to engage with national, regional, state, and local partners who are working or want to start working in the health and housing space. This call will provide an overview of the issue from what is being discussed and worked on from the federal, state and local levels, featuring leaders in these areas.

Webinar: Medicaid Advocacy 101 Part II: Medicaid Reforms

Medicaid Reforms is the second in a four part webinar series designed for emerging leaders in Medicaid advocacy. We will look at the foundational elements of the Medicaid program and how states adjust and differ in their programmatic design. Presenters will include individuals with State, Federal, Health Plan and CIL experience. Participants will be enhance their ability to shape the Medicaid environment in their state by deepening their understanding of the Medicaid program, emerging policy, avenues for influence and opportunities for collaboration.


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