
Short Name: 

January Office Hours for the VBID Hospice Benefit Component

Event Description: 

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center’s Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model team will host its monthly office hours to provide technical and operational support to interested stakeholders. This office hours session will focus on answering live questions from attendees. During office hours, presenters will also answer questions received in advance; please submit any questions prior to the session by emailing the VBID Mailbox at VBID@cms.hhs.gov.

RAISE Act, State Policies, and NASHP’s State Medicaid Policy Institute on Family Caregiving

Event Description: 
NASHP is launching a 12-month State Medicaid Policy Institute on Family Caregiving to help states implement or improve their systemic approaches to support family caregivers and invites states to apply by Jan. 29, 2021. The institute’s work will reflect the RAISE Family Caregivers Act Advisory Council’s recommendations.
An informational webinar, supported by The John Hartford Foundation, is scheduled for 3 p.m. EST on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021.

Know Your Resources — Orientation to the IL-NET National Training & Technical Assistance Center for CILs and SILCs

Event Description: 
The IL-NET National Training & Technical Assistance (T&TA) Center, operated by ILRU in collaboration with NCIL, APRIL, and the University of Montana Rural Institute and RTC: Rural, supports Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs) in building capacity to run strong, effective organizations.

The National I&R Support Center Webinar Series: Older Adults and Technology

Event Description: 

As the population of older adults grows, increasing numbers of older adults in three distinct categories might require the services of mental health, substance abuse, and aging systems in the future: (1) older adults with mental health conditions; (2) individuals who develop late-life mental health conditions; and (3) persons living with dementia and co-occurring treatable mental health conditions or substance abuse disorders.

A Closer Look: Mental Health and Resilience within the Disability Community during COVID-19

Event Description: 

Join CIDI for a webinar discussing the mental health and resilience of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters from CIDI will identify three impacts of COVID-19 on mental health from the perspective of individuals with disabilities, describe three tangible tips for building resilience and identify three resources to support mental health and overall health for individuals with disabilities, including ways to recognize early signs of mental health distress.

Reaching Socially Isolated People Living with Dementia

Event Description: 

Persons with dementia faced social isolation (even before COVID-19) through a combination of social and demographic factors. This webinar will discuss the landscape of social isolation among persons with dementia and describe experimental outreach and engagement techniques and programs. Additionally, this webinar will include an overview of the collaborative care coordination model used in Virginia to help individuals living with dementia.


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