
Short Name: 

National Disability Rights Conference

Event Description: 

The National Disability Rights Network is hosting their annual conference for disability rights advocates. The conference will feature 40 sessions intended to provide an overview of new and emerging trends in disability rights, offer insights and potential strategies on a wide range of disability rights topics, and to highlight successful efforts by P&As across the network and how they might be replicated by other agencies. The conference will also include virtual networking sessions where attendees can meet and connect. 

First CMS Health Equity Conference

Event Description: 

CMS has announced their first ever Health Equity Conference. The two-day conference will be free, held in Washington D.C. and streamed to virtual participants. Participants will be able to hear from community-based organizations, academia, health provider organizations, and CMS leadership as they discuss promising practices and innovations in the field of health equity. 


Call for Sessions Deadline: 40th Annual Texas Adult Protective Services (APS) Conference

Event Description: 

Texas Adult Protective Services (APS) is now accepting proposals for their 2023 conference. The conference will be October 10 to October 13, 2023 in Austin, Texas. The theme of this years' conference is unsung heroes and the valuable partnerships they create when serving vulnerable clients.

Click here to submit a proposal or learn more.

Homecare EVV Compliance

Event Description: 
Join Nicki Grose, Netsmart vice president of product management, and Peg Cavender, senior solutions strategist as they discuss how Netsmart Homecare solution can help achieve and maintain EVV compliance. The presentation will cover:
  • How the Netsmart Homecare solution supports EVV compliance

LGBTQ+ Elders 2022 Conference

Event Description: 

The 11th Annual LGBTQ+ Elders in an Ever-Changing World Conference will be held virtually on Friday, June 24, 2022. This one-day event will focus on interdisciplinary practice and community engagement for people working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning + older adults and caregivers. This year’s keynote speaker is award-winning filmmaker Stu Maddux, who will present “Social Isolation, Loneliness, and Resilience in LGBTQ Older Adults.”

5th Annual Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium

Event Description: 
Registration is now open for NCOA's Mental Health Awareness Symposium! This year's virtual symposium is designed to host public discussion on the topics related to mental health and aging, specifically tackling issues of prevention, treatment, and recovery support options and solutions for older adults with mental health or substance use disorders.

2022 Virtual Volunteer Symposium

Event Description: 
Join the Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) for this two-part virtual event as they recognize the volunteers in Pennsylvania’s Aging Network. PDA invites Aging Network Volunteer Coordinators to participate as they provide professional development focused on recruiting and retaining volunteers.

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Conference

Event Description: 

The Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Conference is ADvancing States’ national conference that annually brings together state, federal, and local policymakers as well as leaders who administer, manage, and deliver waiver and other HCBS programs.  The purpose of the HCBS Conference is to share practices and policies that improve state systems delivering long-term services and supports (LTSS) for all ages and abilities.

The 2022 HCBS Conference will be held August 14-18, 2022 in Washington, DC. 


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