
Short Name: 

National Advisory Committee on Seniors and Disasters (NACSD) and National Advisory Committee on Individuals with Disabilities and Disasters (NACIDD) Joint Virtual Public Meeting

Event Description: 

The Administration for Strategic Preparedness & Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is hosting the next virtual joint meeting of the National Advisory Committee on Seniors and Disasters (NACSD) and the National Advisory Committee on Individuals with Disabilities and Disasters (NACIDD). The NACSD and NACIDD will provide guidance to HHS and discuss recommendations regarding the specific needs of older adults and people with disabilities, respectively, related to disaster preparedness and response.

Medicaid and CHIP Renewals: What to Know and How to Prepare, A Partner Education Monthly Series

Event Description: 

Join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the fourth installment of the “Medicaid and CHIP Renewals: What to Know and How to Prepare, A Partner Education Monthly Series.” This webinar series aims to provide stakeholders with information to prepare for Medicaid and CHIP renewals.

Topics discussed during this month’s webinar will include:

  • Strategies to engage states and local stakeholders

Geriatric Care Ethics: Understanding Autonomy, Capacity and Personal Bias

Event Description: 

The American Society on Aging (ASA) is hosting an upcoming webinar titled "Geriatric Care Ethics: Understanding Autonomy, Capacity and Personal Bias." This webinar will explore ethical considerations around autonomy, informed consent, and mental capacity to help promote a person-centered culture of empathy, respect, and dignity. This discussion will also review how to recognize biases that may impact the care of older adults and present assessment tools to ethically integrate into any care setting.

Participants in this webinar will learn to:

Trends and Adaptations for AAAs: National Survey Results and Resources

Event Description: 

Join USAging for the release of the latest National AAA Survey data, showing how Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) are adapting programs and services to meet evolving needs and challenges. Presenters will share new findings from the latest National AAA Survey, highlight trends that have emerged since the last survey in 2019, and share data on AAA involvement in social engagement programs, housing and homelessness-related services, DEI initiatives and COVID-19 partnerships and flexibilities.

Closing the Justice Gap for Older Adults Part 4: You Can Make a Difference—Defending Against or Terminating Guardianship

Event Description: 

The fourth installment of the "Closing the Justice Gap for Older Adults" webinar series, led by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the National Council on Law and Elder Rights (NCLER), and the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), focuses on equipping legal aid attorneys to represent individuals who may be subject to guardianship or who are under guardianship.

Sarah Taub Memorial Webinar - NCI 2021-2022

Event Description: 

National Core Indicators (NCI) is the most comprehensive and representative source of data on the characteristics and outcomes of people with disabilities and older adults who use long-term services and supports (LTSS). In 2021-2022, NCI surveyed over 27,000 older adults and people with disabilities using long-term services and supports, as well as 27,502 family members and guardians of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities receiving state-funded services.

Quarterly National Stakeholder Call with CMS Administrator

Event Description: 

Join Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and her leadership team for a webinar providing an update on recent CMS accomplishments and how their initiatives are advancing CMS’ Strategic Plan. CMS is an agency that is dedicated to improving health equity, expanding coverage, and bettering health outcomes in collaboration with the communities they serve throughout the development and implementation process of policy.

Joint Meeting to Kick Off Second Terms of RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council & Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Event Description: 

Join the Administration for Community Living (ACL) for a virtual meeting to swear in the newest members of the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council and the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Children. The RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council was created in 2018 to develop a nationwide strategy to support caregivers.

Virtual Town Halls

Event Description: 

Transit Planning 4 All (TP4A) is hosting two virtual town halls with a focus on identifying unmet transportation accessibility barriers and needs for people with disabilities and older adults across the country. The goal of this town hall is to gather insight from attendees who have direct experience with transportation accessibility and inclusion in transit planning and operations.


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