A new course is now available on ADvancing States IQ on the role of state and local practices in benefits outreach and enrollment for older adults and individuals with disabilities. This course provides the opportunity for participants to learn about core benefit programs and challenges to accessing benefits. This course also describes sources of information trusted by older adults and persons with disabilities and identifies effective outreach strategies using those information channels. Additionally, participants will learn about state and local practices for ensuring individuals are connected to potential benefits, as well as opportunities to adjust benefits outreach and enrollment during crises and emergencies.
This course was developed with support from the National Council on Aging (NCOA) under a grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL).
This course is free and available to all users on ADvancing States IQ. To access the course, log in to ADvancing States IQ and search for the course Benefits Outreach and Enrollment for Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities: The Role of State and Local Organizations.
To log in or create an account, visit www.advancingstatesiq.org.