Medicare Enrollment Periods End March 31
The Medicare General Enrollment Period and the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period will end on March 31.
During the General Enrollment Period (GEP), individuals who did not enroll in Medicare Part B or Part A (if they have to pay a monthly premium) when they were eligible and do not have a Special Enrollment Period may apply. Medicare coverage starts the month after a person signs up. Individuals may pay a monthly late enrollment penalty if they don’t qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. The GEP runs from January 1 through March 31. To enroll in Medicare Part B (or premium Part A) contact the Social Security Administration.
For information on the GEP, see NCOA’s article, "When Is the Medicare General Enrollment Period?".
During the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, individuals enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan as of January 1 can switch to another Medicare Advantage plan or return to original Medicare and join a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan. Changes to coverage are effective the first day of the month following enrollment. The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period runs from January 1 through March 31.
- Visit Medicare.gov or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).
- Read NCOA's article titled "What's the Difference Between Medicare's Open Enrollment Period and Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment?"
- For local one-on-one Medicare counseling and assistance, find your State Health Insurance Assistance Program or SHIP at shiphelp.org.