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People with Disabilities and Clinical Trials: Comment Now, View Video and Slides from Workshop

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) invites people with disabilities, advocates, and their disability network to submit comments on the recent FDA Workshop to Enhance Clinical Study Diversity. This workshop included discussions focused on the inclusion of people with disabilities, with a focus on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). The comment period is open until January 29, 2024, and the information gathered during the FDA workshop, in addition to comments submitted by the public, will form the basis for a report that the FDA will submit to Congress.

To access the workshop segment on inclusion of people with disabilities that features ACL’s Alison Barkoff, start at the 3:14:40 mark of the Day 1 video.

To access the workshop segment titled, “Approaches to Support the Inclusion and Clinical Study Participation of Individuals with Mental Illness,” start at the 0:03:45 mark of the Day 2 video.

For additional information, complete the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative contact form.

Click here to submit comments.

Administration for Community Living (ACL)