On November 13th, 2023, ADvancing States submitted comments to the Administration for Community Living (ACL) on the Adult Protective Services Functions and Grant Programs Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (RIN 0985-AA18) (APS NPRM). The APS NPRM would establish the first-ever federal regulations for APS systems. The NPRM would require states to develop and submit to ACL a state plan that describes the state’s policies and procedures related to reporting, investigations, data collection, coordination and more.
ADvancing States and our members strongly support the intent of the proposed rule to take a comprehensive approach to improve the quality and consistency of APS systems nationwide in a person-centered manner. However, we have concerns regarding the scope, anticipated workload, and cost of the proposed rule on state APS systems. The comment letter includes specific recommendations to ACL on individual requirements included in the proposed rule.