ARPA 9817: Early results on what's working
Join this webinar to examine some of the most promising trends and proposals for investing funds from Section 9817 of the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA). This webinar will feature a panel of leaders from NAMD, the State of Arkansas, and Guidehouse who will discuss pandemic recovery, workforce strategies, and infrastructure approaches to ensure the long-term sustainability of home and community based services. Speakers include:
Jack Rollins, Director of Federal Policy, NAMD (National Association of Medicaid Directors)
Melissa Weatherton, Director of the Division of Developmental Disabilities Services, State of Arkansas
Jayson Wright, Senior Consultant at Guidehouse
Lance Robertson, former U.S. Assistant Secretary for Aging and a Director at Guidehouse
The panel will also answer questions around Section 9817 funding and discuss ways it can be used to expand services, promote long-term workforce development, and create the infrastructure for a brighter future.
This webinar will be held on Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. ET.
Click here to register.
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