Enhancing LTSS Quality Infrastructure using National Core Indicators® (NCI) and National Core Indicators—Aging and Disabilities™ (NCI-AD)
ADvancing States is hosting a webinar on how NCI and NCI-AD can be used to enhance your state’s quality infrastructure. NCI and NCI-AD use validated sets of performance indicators to help DD systems (NCI) and State aging and disability agencies (NCI-AD) measure and track their own performance and hear directly from people receiving services. In this webinar we will discuss how NCI and NCI-AD:
- Are used by states to enhance quality of their LTSS systems
- Support stakeholder engagement using standardized national and state reporting
- Can help enhance outreach to broaden discussions and talk with diverse groups about outcomes
We will also discuss how your state may be able to use ARPA FMAP funding to support this effort. Existing NCI and NCI-AD states as well as those interested in learning more about these programs are encouraged to join.
Learn more about these programs at nationalcoreindicators.org and nci-ad.org.
This webinar will be held on Thursday, June 24 at 3:00 p.m. ET.
Click here to register.
ADvancing States