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Voluntary Consensus Guidelines for State APS Systems

ACL is hosting a series of webinars to obtain feedback on the draft updates to the National Voluntary Consensus Guidelines for State APS Systems. ACL published the Guidelines in 2017 to provide the APS field with guidance about effective practices based on findings from published studies as well as experiences from the field. This year, ACL is updating the Guidelines to incorporate new research findings and new areas of interest in APS practices and policies. This webinar series will discuss the appropriateness of proposed updates and the future direction for updating the Guidelines. 

Register for one of the webinars here:

Questions to be addressed on the webinar include:
1) Are the draft updates appropriate?
2) Should additional topics should be added?
3) Are there particular topic areas for which research on APS practices is lacking, and if so, what are these areas?
4) What is the most efficient way for you to provide input about the Guidelines in the future?
5) Is a two-year cycle appropriate for updating the Guidelines in the future? If not, how often do you think the Guidelines should be updated?
6) What would be effective ways to let the field know about updated Guidelines? What suggestions do you have for presenting the information most effectively for people in the field?