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LTSS Innovations in the Current Environment

The national discussion about various health care reform proposals has raised public awareness and visibility of Medicaid’s role as the key funding source for LTSS. However, LTSS is not an issue many Americans think about until it is needed. It is essential that states understand and prepare for these impacts on this critical part of our health care systems.

During this webinar, Medicaid experts will share their insights into the impact of the changing Medicaid landscape on Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS), in particular home and community-based services. Presenters will focus on the importance of LTSS in sustainable, affordable and quality health care systems, as well as explore how states are deploying innovations in their LTSS programs.

Presenters for this webinar include: Barbara Selter, Vice President of Health Services, MAXIMUS; Sharon Lewis, Principal, HMA; Camille Dobson, Deputy Executive Director, ADvancing States; and Mary Sowers, Director of Special Projects, NASDDDS.
