This webinar is part of the Generations Education Series funded in part by the Archstone Foundation.
Aging is inevitable, but increasingly consumers are seeking to age on their own terms by exerting more control over their health and well-being than ever before. A wave of market solutions has emerged to meet consumer demand and contain healthcare costs by providing information, technology and tools that have enabled self-empowered consumers. But not all of the benefits are evenly spread, and many older adults are at risk of being bypassed by innovations that could benefit them. Some developments, particularly in the genetics field, have also raised thorny ethical questions. This web seminar will explore the factors that have given rise to self-empowered aging, the scientific basis for some of the most popular consumer solutions and the ethical, financial and public policy challenges in consumers seizing control over their own aging.
Participants in this web seminar will be able to:
- Explain the drivers of the growing focus among consumers on health and wellness;
- Distinguish between the concepts or “health” and “well-being”;
- Understand the concept of “behavioral economics” and describe how it is being used to motivate people toward better health; and,
- Describe the potential and the limits of technological advances designed to enable consumers to diagnosis and monitor their own health.
The webinar will be presented by Bill Walsh, Director, Strategy, Planning, and Executive Communications, AARP.