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National Center on Elder Abuse
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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is recognized around the world every year on June 15 and aims to educate people on the importance of preventing, identifying, and responding to elder abuse. This webinar in preparation for the day will include: opening remarks by Edwin Walker, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Aging of the Administration on Aging (AoA); a retrospective on 10 years of WEAAD accomplishments from its founder, Elizabeth Podnieks; pilot findings from The Worldwide Face of Elder Abuse, an international study being conducted by Pamela Teaster, Ph.D., Georgia Anetzberger, Ph.D., Elizabeth Podnieks, Ph.D., Raven Weaver, M. S., and the International Federation on Ageing; and a panel discussion on future WEAAD. Panelists include:

  • Alex Kalache,  MD, Co-President, International Longevity Centre (ILC) Global Alliance and President, ILC-Brazil;
  • Greg Shaw, Director, International and Corporate Relations, International Federation on Ageing;
  • Trudy Gregorie, President, National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse; and
  • Susan Somers, JD, President, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.