ADvancing States and the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) are excited to share the final report from the 2014 pilot of the National Core Indicators-Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) Consumer Survey in Georgia, Minnesota, and Ohio. The results are sorted by state and funding source within the state. Since the goal of the pilot was not to compare these states, but instead to test and refine the NCI-AD Consumer Survey, the three states are not identified in the report; they are simply referred to as State 1, State 2, and State 3.
In December 2014, the NCI-AD project team reviewed the data and feedback they received from the interviewers in the pilot states and used this information to revise the NCI-AD Consumer Survey. Currently, the project team is conducting a small sample in-home testing of the Survey working with the Georgia Division of Aging Services and the Delmarva Foundation. The Survey is expected to be finalized in March 2015. Data collection for the first year NCI-AD will begin June 1, 2015.
Questions about the NCI-AD project and pilot report can be directed to Kelsey Walter (kwalter@advancingstates.org), NCI-AD Project Director at ADvancing States.
Click here to read the report.