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The NCI-AD project’s primary aim is to collect and maintain valid and reliable data that give states a broad view of how their publicly-funded long-term services and supports (LTSS) impact the quality of life and outcomes of service participants. Data collected for the NCI-AD project provide invaluable insight and context to the field of aging and disability services, enabling informed decision-making and planning at the state level. NCI-AD survey indicators and outcomes assess quality of life, experience of care, community integration, and person-centered services. 

Data for the project is gathered through yearly in-person surveys administered by state agencies to a sample of at least 400 older adults and adults with physical disabilities receiving publicly-funded LTSS. Surveys may be administered in programs with a variety of funding sources, including Medicaid, Older Americans Act, and state-funded programs. The survey measures consumer outcomes in the following domains: community participation, rights and respect, choice and decision making, health care, relationships, medications, satisfaction, safety and wellness, service and care coordination, everyday living and affordability, access, planning for the future, self-direction of care, control, and work/employment. 

“We commend our NCI-AD member states for their commitment to collecting transparent, outcomes-based data that contributes to the systems-level narrative for state and national LTSS programs,” said Martha Roherty, ADvancing States Executive Director. “We are excited to see the kinds of changes and improvements that will come from the availability of this rich and thorough data.” 

View the full national report, as well as state-specific reports, on the NCI-AD website here

CONTACT: For further information, please contact ADvancing States NCI-AD Project Director April Young at 202-898-2581. 

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