The National Council on Aging (NCOA) announced the first dedicated funding opportunity to cultivate state falls prevention coalitions. Supported by the Administration for Community Living, this opportunity will award up to 12 organizations up to $150,000 each over 18 months to develop a new or enhance an existing state falls prevention coalition.
Applicants will be asked to select one of two options for this funding opportunity:
- Option A: Develop a coalition in a state that currently does not have an active coalition.
- Option B: Enhance an existing state falls prevention coalition to improve and/or expand falls prevention activity on a statewide level.
All grantees will be required to engage at least one AAA and one older adult from the community who has fallen or is at risk of falling as part of their coalition membership, develop a capstone product to disseminate their best practices and lessons learned, achieve an active state coalition status by the end of the project period, and participate in technical assistance provided by NCOA throughout the project period.
The application deadline is Friday, February 21, 2025 by 11:59 p.m. ET.
Click here to learn more.