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Tips for Forming a Regional Network of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)

ACL's Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs (ONHPP), in collaboration with consultant Tim McNeill, is hosting the first of two webinars that will include tips for community-based organizations (CBOs) on forming a regional network.

The presenters will provide an overview of essential steps to forming a network, legal and financial considerations, and operational elements that are key to operating a successful CBO network. Organizations that are working with healthcare providers, hospitals, and managed care organizations often find that the required capacity and/or geographic region is beyond the scope of one independent community-based organization. This lack of regional capacity may hamper contracting opportunities. Forming a network of CBOs to cover a broader geographic region may provide the added capacity and geographic reach to meet the needs of your customer. The next webinar in this series will include CBO perspectives on having undertaken this network approach.

Webinar Facilitator and Presenter:

Phantane Sprowls, Program Analyst, ACL

Tim McNeill, Independent Health Care Consultant

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