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Promising Practices for Promoting Flu Vaccinations for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries During COVID-19

Resources for Integrated Care is hosting a webinar to discuss the benefits of flu vaccinations for dually eligible individuals and the role of health plans in ensuring beneficiaries receive flu vaccinations. The webinar will include strategies for health plans to provide access and education on the importance of annual flu vaccinations. Attendees can expect to hear from multiple health plans who will share promising practices such as establishing committees, developing effective outreach strategies, and partnering with community organizations. Panelists include:

  • Donna O’Shea, MD, Chief Medical Officer of Population Health, UnitedHealthcare
  • Brad Lucas, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Buckeye Health Plan
  • Deonys de Cárdenas, RN BSN, JD, First Choice VIP Care Plus Plan Lead, Executive Director, First Choice VIP Care Plus

This webinar will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 from 3:00PM to 4:00PM ET.

Administration for Community Living - Resources for Integrated Care