National Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day
SAMHSA and the Administration for Community Living, together with the National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging, are hosting the first National Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day. This discussion is designed to raise public awareness about the mental health of older Americans and spur action to address the needs of this population. Watch a panel of experts discuss evidence-based approaches to mental health and substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery supports for older adults, and encourage collaboration between the mental health and aging networks.
The panel will also highlight the work of the Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee and offer guidance for people who seek treatment and services. HHS Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, Elinore McCance-Katz, M.D., Ph.D., along with HHS Assistant Secretary for Aging, Lance Robertson, will provide opening remarks.
Interested parties are invited to attend in person at the SAMHSA offices at 5600 Fishers Lane in Rockville, MD, or to participate via live webcast.