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Focus on Aging / Federal Partners' Webinar: Social Isolation and Loneliness

The Administration for Community Living has partnered with the CDC, HRSA, and National Institute on Aging for a webinar series on aging. As part of this series, they are hosting an upcoming webinar on how social isolation and loneliness affect older adults’ health and well-being. Specific focus will be placed on how COVID-19 has impacted older adults and the effects of health disparities. This webinar will also discuss social isolation and loneliness in the context of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

Upon registering for the webinar, you will receive a confirmation email. This email will contain a link to access the live webinar broadcast on September 28th. Please be sure to scroll to the bottom of the confirmation email to locate the link.

The Administration for Community Living, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources and Services Administration, and the National Institute on Aging