Data, Billing and Coding: What CBOs Need to Know: New CMS Rules on Health-Related Social Needs Screening
USAging's Aging and Disability Business Institute is hosting a webinar series addressing the new CMS rules on health-related social needs (HSRN) screening, exploring their impact on referrals from healthcare to social care organizations and the opportunities they create for collaboration with healthcare providers and payers. This session will also provide information about the new opportunities to partner with health clinicians, and the related data, information exchange, and related billing/payment models being advanced by CMS.
Topics covered will include:
An in-depth look at the hospital inpatient health-related social needs screening rule
Physician referral for CBO assessment and workflows
Data standards and information exchange
Who your CBO needs to work with on data and interoperability
This webinar will take place on Monday, November 13 at 3:00 p.m. ET.
Click here to register.